Problem between peacegamerjj and Mona

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Re: Problem between peacegamerjj and Mona

Post by Nightstand »

Maybe I'm a "Drecksnoob" and a "Snop", who knows?

But anyway , P(spitting)eace, that's not the first time that you are shit talking in our back... 1st time I forgave you but now I take a shit... If you are just here to try to convert some ppl, go to hell.

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Re: Problem between peacegamerjj and Mona

Post by peacegamerjj »

Wow , first I cqan't belive that you showed my pm and ...

ah what a fu*k.
wow , its just a game and just a forum , haha , thats your live , all you have , funny.
I was so too , but good that I'm out of ee2 and now.. mhh idk. if mona don't adherence his own rulz... ( why the f**k you ceated the forum so that I can send A PrivatMassage , I mean its privat , why you look at it , you are an asshole.
Ok the contact to you guys is over , foreever , I'm very sad that this clan made my last days
with the ee2 guys to a drive between the hell , ty. (btw. nightstand I don't even believe to a god or a hell)

Bb guys have a funny, addicted time with this good game and this shit forum^^Its all what you have (btw. I mean not all eW(A)'s I like someone here like lego or devi , np.)
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Re: Problem between peacegamerjj and Mona

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

peacegamerjj wrote:Wow , first I cqan't belive that you showed my pm and ...
btw. Mona , nothing against you or anyone else in this clan. (I know that you can see everything in this forum :b)

peacegamerjj wrote:Ok mona..
I made a decision...

I'm sorry for all I did.
I hate to argueing , becourse I'm really nice human.
I don't want fight .. so I apologized.

It's to much for me now ... I don't wanted to ado to a escalation.

But I would appreciate it if you would apologize your hacks against me too.

Peace... 2 words... You are two-faced.

It's not first time when you do this shit. We had / have topic about you in Security Center.

Let's paste something...
Posts from eW Polls:
Leader wrote:Peacegamerjj


Let's vote Image
[quote="~eWA`~>MattyMattyMatty21peacegamerjj12: I have an ask..
Leader: Ask
Leader: :p
21peacegamerjj12: are ya dumb?
Leader: ?
Leader: --.--
21peacegamerjj12: 50% TO JOIN EWA BACK? ^^
Leader: I votes YES
Leader: ;/
21peacegamerjj12: I'm sorry to say , I'm better than all eWA
21peacegamerjj12: I ramed matty yesterday that he left^^
Leader: Hmm
21peacegamerjj12: with 20 rams
Leader: I don't care peace
21peacegamerjj12: well
Leader: U need stupid stars
Leader: thats all
21peacegamerjj12: I don't want to be back in E
21peacegamerjj12: eWA*
Leader: You have to
Leader: join eW
Leader: But it's better Image
Leader: Then you have special order
21peacegamerjj12: well
Leader: in your profile
21peacegamerjj12: loom at my post...
21peacegamerjj12: I can't belive this shit
Leader: Better if you be nice for them all
Leader: because they really are angry on you

21peacegamerjj12: I think all the eWA noob vote no , cuz they can't life with that I be inm eW... Noobs...
Leader: U didn't want super stars
Leader: Should I show you topic?
21peacegamerjj12: show what?
Leader: 10 sec
Leader: you will see
Leader: Topic: ~eWA`~>TESTING, Superstars.
Leader: "We know, that only one way to join ~eW` from ~eWA` is 10 stars: and 5 superStars:
From topic:"
Leader: "What to do to be tested?
You can just ask Academy Patron or Clan's Leader, that you want be tested (for example on EE2 lobby). Better way is when you write in your own Stars System Topic, that you want to be tested.
How should it looks?
For example:"
21peacegamerjj12: well
21peacegamerjj12: I can't go for it
21peacegamerjj12: ^^
Leader: "I want Super Star from: "Epochs 5-5, 5 min cf, fastpace (Can be with no cf if ~eWA` member wants)." I select option with 5 min CF, fastpace. Please test me. If I can select my enemy it can be: Shenlong."
Leader: "Note: Problem is that not all are active, so if you selected enemy it's possible that you will have to play against different person

Example no. 2:"
Leader: "Hello niggas, jk. I want super star from setts: "Epochs 6-6 or 11-11, 12-12, 13-13, 14-14, 15-15 (one which ~eWA` player wants), 5 min cf or no cf, fast or med pace (Academy member can select). Player choose civilization before game (which he want)." I select epochs 12-12, big, continents map, fast pace. I be Japanese civilization. I can play vs anyone! Thanks!"
Leader: "Remember, that to be tested you have to report it. I and other people don't know if you want to be tested now, or you want wait longer. I can't decise that I have to test you, because I don't know if you are ready or no. Doesn't matter that I see that you're good, because it must be ~eWA`s member decision. Not mine. If you want to be tested - just write it in Your Stars System topic.

Thanks for understanding."
21peacegamerjj12: well
21peacegamerjj12: thats all noobs , sry
Leader: Oh
Leader: Lmao
Leader: so now you won't join?
21peacegamerjj12: If ''schalke & hertha'' can join eWA and not me^^
21peacegamerjj12: then its poor , just for the clan^^
Leader: Not rly

Leader: Better if you edit your post
21peacegamerjj12: Not rly? ^^
21peacegamerjj12: Better ? Image
21peacegamerjj12: Lol
Leader: then you will never back
Leader: they'll always remember it
Leader: And btw
Leader: All EWA noobs
Leader: voted YES
Leader: for you
Leader: More eW voted NO
Leader: but it's not your bussines
Leader: You won't back, so no
21peacegamerjj12: well
21peacegamerjj12: I own some eW in med pace ^^
Leader: Keep it to you
Leader: I don't care
21peacegamerjj12: well
21peacegamerjj12: They can't life with that
21peacegamerjj12: cuz they are noobs
21peacegamerjj12: ^^
Leader: So I don't see way that u can be in eW again
Leader: if you are insulting eveyone player in
21peacegamerjj12: Lol
Leader: Sorry
21peacegamerjj12: I like you
21peacegamerjj12: but

21peacegamerjj12: I mean
21peacegamerjj12: Oh well
21peacegamerjj12: good...
21peacegamerjj12: so
21peacegamerjj12: I can't
21peacegamerjj12: JOIN EWA?
21peacegamerjj12: XD
Leader: You didn't want
Leader: you cancalled application
21peacegamerjj12: nice...

Leader: Peace sorry
21peacegamerjj12: I want
Leader: Oh rly?
21peacegamerjj12: join eW
21peacegamerjj12: not

peacegamerjj wrote:Well^^
50 % to join back EWA? ARE YA DUMB , I'M BETTER THAN ALL EWA.^^
Ok that very stupit^^
Close poll I don't want join back.
Hate ya all
21peacegamerjj12: fu**ing x fire
Leader: I said player who want in eWA must finish academy or can't join eW
21peacegamerjj12: 1) I deleted the post
21peacegamerjj12: 2) Well , that dumb , I got so much better
Leader: 1. I did security copy and already paste in your poll topic
21peacegamerjj12: 3)
21peacegamerjj12: idk :p
21peacegamerjj12: DFUCK
21peacegamerjj12: OUR
21peacegamerjj12: TALKING
21peacegamerjj12: IS ENDED NOW
21peacegamerjj12: IF YOU DID THAT
21peacegamerjj12: I WAS ANGRY
Leader: Sry peace, but we won't players
21peacegamerjj12: ---..__
Leader: who will leave late to Eeg
Leader: for example
Leader: You left to other clan
Leader: it really pissed everyone off
Leader: I would take you back
21peacegamerjj12: well
Leader: but other players voted NO
Leader: So talk to them
Leader: not to me
21peacegamerjj12: Ok then
21peacegamerjj12: I think I can't talk to them
21peacegamerjj12: cuz
21peacegamerjj12: they are pissed off^^
21peacegamerjj12: You all are pissing me off now
Leader: Then you be clanless
Leader: Sorry
Leader: Image
21peacegamerjj12: I think
21peacegamerjj12: They
21peacegamerjj12: are
21peacegamerjj12: not cool
21peacegamerjj12: they can't
Leader: And you were cool when you left theirs clan for Eeg?
Leader: You should understand then
21peacegamerjj12: excuse
Leader: I told to you and Burning
Leader: Come back
Leader: eW will alive again
Leader: then you didn't want
Leader: + you didn't write any application that u want be tested to join ~eW`
Leader: I would give you super stars
Leader: and give you to EW
Leader: I go AFK, good luck.
21peacegamerjj12: 1) I deleted the post
That's why you can't see this in his application topic.

Now he wrote new post:
peacegamerjj wrote:Ok excuse me for all I did..
I left the clan cuz It was little boring , I love mali and timo rly so I though clan would be die anyway without diplomat and patron ...
I think I got enough good for eW , but I'm sorry , you are pissed off now?!
Maybe I would be too! But can't you understand this? EXCUSE ME?
And I think its very dumb to keep me , NOT IN EWA.
well , its not my poll , I loke all you guys , I think you all are little bored of the game , players
I mean , if I would be back in , I will try to keep the clan so allive that everyone have some fun!
Think about that , I can't say I love ya now cuz you pissed me off a little too.
Well it would be bad if I can't join back , for my option I'm a good player.
If I can't join yet... CYA
Then xfire:
21peacegamerjj12: well
21peacegamerjj12: I wrote something new I hope you didn't copiet my ''pissed off'' shit to the poll , then yopu would be an asshole , if not ty
Leader: i did lol
21peacegamerjj12: well then
21peacegamerjj12: I have no changes
21peacegamerjj12: ty
21peacegamerjj12: O-O
21peacegamerjj12: crying
Leader: Oh ok
Leader: Don't worry
Leader: they'll understand
Leader: I think...
21peacegamerjj12: DELETE IT
21peacegamerjj12: JUST DELATE IT
Leader: hmm..
21peacegamerjj12: well
21peacegamerjj12: I mean
21peacegamerjj12: you are ... man , just f**k you , rly f**k you!"
21peacegamerjj12: youn always want piss someone off...
21peacegamerjj12: be afk now oO

As first you talking that you "love you all", and then you are talking stupid thngs behind our back.
I had right to check your private message (And I did it first time in my life), and only because you said: "Lukwert check PM". I knew that you're going to talk shit again. I didn't delete it, just showed to all. If you are that brave to talking something to other ppl, then why shouldn't I show it to all? I won't hide your shit. You were nice for last month (maybe because you weren't on game and forum), and now you started again.
Always same history. Now you called "shit forum" to the most developed and biggest forum about EE2. Really sad. Maybe you don't know, but with your behavior you insulted like 20 people which use it everyday.

And now you think that someone will like you? Look what Matty did, he wasted time to give you negative reputation points.
I know that it's not good when people leaving EE2, but you really need to. Only problems with you.
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Re: Problem between peacegamerjj and Mona

Post by Nightstand »

peacegamerjj wrote:Wow , first I cqan't belive that you showed my pm and ...

ah what a fu*k.
wow , its just a game and just a forum , haha , thats your live , all you have , funny.
I was so too , but good that I'm out of ee2 and now.. mhh idk. if mona don't adherence his own rulz... ( why the f**k you ceated the forum so that I can send A PrivatMassage , I mean its privat , why you look at it , you are an asshole.
Ok the contact to you guys is over , foreever , I'm very sad that this clan made my last days
with the ee2 guys to a drive between the hell , ty. (btw. nightstand I don't even believe to a god or a hell)

Bb guys have a funny, addicted time with this good game and this shit forum^^Its all what you have (btw. I mean not all eW(A)'s I like someone here like lego or devi , np.)
"I was so too , but good that I'm out of ee2 and now.. " - said a person who just stopped 1 hour before writing this post Image ( Good description of yourself, btw)
"Ok the contact to you guys is over , foreever , I'm very sad that this clan made my last days - "This clan" made me lmao, It was your decision to leave EE2; you HAD NOT to join the forum.
(btw. nightstand I don't even believe to a god or a hell)" - idc, go to hell, anyway.
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Re: Problem between peacegamerjj and Mona

Post by Burning »

everybody cans ay what he thinks its a free forum..
So I do it.
Lukwertt you are a fu**ing good player but you should know..
ew is a nice clan biut not the leader he just talk shit and thinks he can insult ppl if going in their private lif eor hack their xfire accoutns and so on..
Nothing against ew just wnated to have said this Image
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Re: Problem between peacegamerjj and Mona

Post by Timo »

I agree with Burning on one point: all problems here turn around Mona.
W2G vs eW, was only Redline vs Mona in reality. Now Peace insults lots of people, even his friends, just because he's against Mona. So all eW is hurted, since Mona is the leader.

Now Ill give my opinion about the actual problem. I like both Mona and Peace. However they both did things I disliked. The fact is that Mona is eW's leader, this forum's administrator/moderator or whatever, he does everything fine here. He's the only one who can and must do it. Also he's very good with computers mecanics so he's able to hack, to do things most of us can't. So for me, Mona sometimes does things we judge awful, huge, but that's just because he has lots of responsabilities. He's like a country's president or government, some laws can be hated but are needed, and leaders mustnt be blamed for that. I dont know all the story, with Mona hacking or whatever, anyway Peace also said and did shit, as I can see, so they are both to blame in my opinion.
And still in my opinion (I like giving my opinion, im a bit egocentric), everyone would have done the same.

Mona, Idk about hacking, etc... But that will never solve any problem, it even makes more problems so please try to avoid it. Otherwise, keep doing the great job you always did for this forum which is far of being a "shitty forum".
Peace... You're my friend but stop criticizing everyone if your only target is Mona. If he's not the only one you wanna criticize, well forget what I said, but anyway you should talk to everyone in a public topic, not behind everyone's back, I agree with Mona on that point. Also, even in a public forum, what you said is wrong so I naturally disagree with you, sorry. Trying to make Luk dislike eW is just not something to do.

Anyway, it's supposed to be Luk's apply, it should turn around him.
Luk, you said you dont wanna be "unfaithful", you wanna get a clan. In my opinion eW is at the moment the best clan. Im sorry to say that since im in Eeg, and maybe im really wrong here. I dont really play ee2 a lot anymore so idk which clan is the most active, but this forum is obviously the most active and the most appreciated.
Anyway you made an apply here and not in Eeg, so you already chosed which clan you wanna join. Dnt listen to Peace who in my opinion just mustnt have said what he said to you. But please dude, for once, for the first and only time in your life, trust me: you're on eW level, not eWA ! Stop being modest and accept it, you own, making an apply for eWA is ridiculous !!

Ok sorry i wanted to talk a bit. if i hurted someone with what i said im sorry, like i said it was just my opinion.
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Re: Problem between peacegamerjj and Mona

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

I see that they are so mad because of last hack.
But I don't care. This time I was right.

I'm insulting people?! hahaha, good joke, it's not me who insulted on EE2. I didn't even talk to you. You wanted this shit, so stop crying that I did small hack.
I am always nice, never insulting. Maybe I'm talking with "!" or I'm just angry, but never insulting.

I didn't even know what word "Bastard" means. I see that it's very popular in Germany, because you are use it soo much. It's fu**ing funny, because I readed on wikipedia what it means.
So stop talking, that it's me "this bad" person who insulting everyone.

"everybody cans ay what he thinks its a free forum.." - can say what thinks without insult. I really don't know how the hell german kids, with english lessons in school learned insults? Who the hell teached you?
You all only talking: "fu**ing" "shit" "bastard" and all other insults. You don't even know how to explain something in cultural way.

Btw. with this "private life"... I don't fu**ing care about your stupid life. I don't need to know your name, last name.
You are mad, because I posted photo of your class, right? But you did it before with felix's clan, and you laughed so hard, so why couldn't I do it with your?
I'm not reading Private Messages on ~eW`~>FORUM, because I'm not even able to. But when peace wrote that sent message to lukwert - I wanted to check it.

So yeah I'm bad, because I showed true. But peace thinks that can shit talking behind our back. I know that it's forum for all, but it's still FORUM OF EW CLAN, so if you really wants to talk shit behind our back, then go to be@t clan's forum, and talk it there. Why you guys want to use our forum to talking shit about us? Because we developed so good? Because only our forum is readed by players?
Ehh... Anyway I'm writing stupid post because I want to explain them something, and ofcourse players like peace, burning won't read all post. Burning will read last sentense or first, and then he will say something, what change subject in 70%.
That's why I done with them.
4/5 warnings on theirs accounts should enought explain who they are, and what they understand.
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Re: Problem between peacegamerjj and Mona

Post by Burning »

Mona that with felix class was over a year ago..
mona u just cant accept that you are always talking stupoid stuff..
u cant lose a game i remmeber when u lost a 2v2 u said all because matty..
(Dont try to lie and dont agree to this!)

Herre are so many problems right now but i wont care anymore do what you want i wont care about.
you tell us stupid germna kids?
where did u learned the insults?
because you use it in praxis.
so wont say anything more
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Re: Problem between peacegamerjj and Mona

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

Timo, I agree with you in 100%... But...
Mona, Idk about hacking, etc... But that will never solve any problem, it even makes more problems so please try to avoid it. Otherwise, keep doing the great job you always did for this forum which is far of being a "shitty forum".
Timo, he insulted me, for hour i pleased him to change nick. What could I do? I could make account PEACESUCKS, and go on that low level? I informed him what I'm going to do, and he good knew that if he won't change this account, I'll just hack it. For me it's easy to understand.

Now back to peace. It's application topic. Why he tried to talk shit again behind our back? Why he didn't write it here? Why he sending stupid private messages? If he has problem he should write it here, and I think it would be 10X more accepted than now, when we know that he sent only private message.

I won't talk again about W2G, but Timo I want to let you know, that I never wanted clan war with W2G. I had rules which says, that clan must be active minimum 7 months, but what I had to do when all other people wanted? W2G still attacked us, and not only me. Redline was just like peacegamerjj now. He has problem and he provokes all other players to be against all clan.
And why he is against all clan? Because it's point to make shit. If he talking shit about me, then I know how to good answer, and solve problem. But when he is attacking clan, it looks like he just want to do something agianst me by other people. So if it's his weapon, then he is only one "bad" person here.

Also, "everything" around me - I'm here to help with organisation. I have same rights that everyone in clan have.
On forum is more moderators than you all thinks, but it's secret who is, and it's more safe.

Also, I'm not only one Leader. I'm 1 of 3. It's not my fault that I have to do work for 3 people. It would be really easier for me when other leaders would be here.
But other people hasn't that good heart. I'm nice, because I should ban fu**ing all people which only fighting here, without warning system. But no... I still give them chance! 5 warning is really many place to do shit.

And yeah, ofcourse they/he can say what they thinks about forum, clan, but without stupid words which insulting clan. Since now, for word "shit" or something I'll give warnings too, and it be free from provokers place.


u cant lose a game i remmeber when u lost a 2v2 u said all because matty..
(Dont try to lie and dont agree to this!)
You don't want to know true? I wasn't angry on matty. This game was with gabriel (if I good remember), so stop lieing. I only said: "We lost because matty couldnt build on this ping", and I said it only, because Matty said it to me before - in game. So stop trying to show now, that I'm angry on other people from clan.

I'm losing many games with clanmates, and I'm never angry on them. it's stupid bullshit. Maybe sometimes after game I explan them what they did wrong, but only to make them better.
you tell us stupid germna kids?
where did u learned the insults?
because you use it in praxis.
Every words I learned from EE2 players (idc if it was you or someone different).
And let's compare posts, maybe I use sometimes "bad word", but look how long posts I'm writing and how long you are writing.
In many of your posts we can see only insult and senseless sentense. I'm trying to explain something. I can write and I do it, and even if he would be more "bad words", then post is smarter than short senense which doesn't solve any problem

you tell us stupid germna kids?
Where the hell I said STUPID?
I said german kids only. Was it insult?

Burning, now I know that your problem is that you can't read correct. You think that I insulted when I only wrote sentense!
And with this behavior you are trying to make people against me. Shame on you, you lie dude!
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Re: Problem between peacegamerjj and Mona

Post by Timo »

Burning: I dont see why you say that Mona is always "talking stupid stuff". I sometimes disagree with him, but well i sometimes disagree with you too, and i dont say you post stupid stuff. I seem to protect Mona a bit, but well... eventhough I often turned mad on Mona for some reasons,I just dont see why you say that.
I agree about Mona can't lose a game, however I dont see any problem on it. I can't lose a game either xD Facked either, a lot of players can't lose. I even remember Peace turning mad about some games, you see. Everyone does, Mona isnt an exception.

Burning, why are you so aggressive against Mona? Did he do something bad to you? I mean, I really turned so fuking angry on him, but I forgot, forgave and life continues, why are you always against him in all points?


Mona, I think Burning talks about the "I dont fu**ing care about your stupid life".
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