Descriptive assessment of ~eWA` member: IndieRock00

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Descriptive assessment of ~eWA` member: IndieRock00

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

What it is Descriptive assessment you can find in this topic:

About member:
IndieRock00, in clan since: 11.02.2021. He was active for the past years, with the exception of life-based periods (e.g. university exams).
IndieRock00 is in a progress of collecting SuperStars, and he currently has got 3/5.

IndieRock00 is generally a well-behaving member. He helps with Unofficial Patch development by reporting issues, testing new features and fixes. On this matter, he is one of the most valuable players in the community. Unfortunately, in the descriptive assessment I need to mention that sometimes his pride goes too high, and there are situations where it's annoying to communicate him. I assume it's mostly having a "bad day" like everyone does. When it comes to progressing to join the ~eW` clan, I noticed that his attempts aren't strong enough. He prioritizes playing normal EE2 games over getting ~eWA` lessons. Following the Education System is not going as well as it used to in case of the other ~eWA` members in the past. There's also low interest in progressing with lessons. While I finished most of fast pace lessons with him, mostly by me initiating the lessons, I noticed that he didn't make contacts with the other ~eW` members to get lessons on other setts. For example, I've been recommending to ask KayOne for BabWar lessons (while he was still in eW) and it was not done for over 2 years. This lack of interest on finishing the Education System causes him to be stuck in ~eWA` for longer than we initially expected. So to summary, I don't see a huge motivation to finish things up as soon as possible, however this was a hard period with his school, and also I couldn't always be available, so I would more blame the life situation than his intentions. IndieRock00 has also been caught on breaking some written-before-game rules, but this was mostly for "joke" or after being provoked by observers.

Description of skills:
IndieRock00 is a good player in every setts in the current community, but I'd personally rate him as average player when it comes to following the guidelines, strategies and standards. There is a problem where IndieRock00 forgets many details from the Education System lessons, such as setting a single rally point, building houses on the battle-territories, strategies to use when crowns system is enabled, etc. So it feels like he has to be reminded on all details before he can play good again. It seems like he has problems adjusting to non-standard settings (played on EE2 in the past), even though lessons prepared him for it. The positive thing is that once reminded, he is able to follow everything in the next game played in row. There's also a huge progress when it comes to his fast pace skills. He remembers many more details on 5-5, 9-9 and high epochs than before joining ~eWA`. I'm satisfied with his warehouses placement (this was a tough thing initially). I assume with the 70-80% of things he remembers, he is already prepared to graduate to ~eW` as even many of ~eW` members don't remember all details as they should. However, this was known that players who finish ~eWA` are actually way better than most of players who joined ~eW` right away. This is what e.g. happened to KayOne, Matty and Nightstand in the past. So I think, even though we have some delay, being a long-term ~eWA` member did not hurt him. It's actually good that he doesn't feel ashamed of using the "Academy" tag (as this happened in the past for some members), but this also slows down his attitude to graduate faster. To summary, there was not enough dedication on his end to finish the ~eWA`, but I understand that it was most likely caused by life events, and it doesn't hurt him or anyone else, so I don't see any problem in how the things have been. However, I would like to personally push him to finish things this Summer, even when it lacks the yellow stars. The yellows stars of IndieRock00 are actually pretty low, but this is most likely caused by other ~eW` members not giving him enough stars. Especially Matty who played much more games with him doesn't seem to give him as many yellow stars as should. But of course I don't want to get in competence of the other ~eW` member, maybe they really had no reasons to give the yellow stars. In general, the yellow stars should be gived by many eW members equally, to not make it look like someone is favorizing a player. If this still goes as slow as it does now, I'll have to review the old games and assign yellow stars where applicable.

- Semi-active in EE2.
- Active in the community (forum, Discord, etc.).
- Slowly but learnt a few things that he now uses in every game.
- Helpful to other players.
- Respectful towards EE2 players and ~eW` members.
- Easy to communicate.
- His English skills make it easier to discuss things and finish lessons quicker.
- Uses the ~eWA` clan tag, honorably representing the clan.

- Average motivation.
- Forgetting some things from lessons, resulting in failed SuperStar tests.
- Rare but occurring behavioral problems with the hurt "pride" or general negative attitude (explained in description above).

I recommend training bab war games before the next test with some pro-med-pace ~eW` member. I recommend finishing remaining fast-pace high epochs lessons with Dr.MonaLisa. I recommend to read the ~eWA` Education System and try to remember things from every lesson finished. It would be good to actually create a short note for every finished lesson and share in this (or any other topic). Writing things down can activate the brain memory cells that have the required knowledge, but being inactive in the current games. I recommend to prioritize graduating to ~eW` over pleasure of playing games with other players when the Lobby is active. The clan matters should have priority over spending time on another games of the same type. I recommend to try control behavior not to become too cocky, because we had enough of it from KayOne or other unfriendly members with too high ego. The ~eW` clan was initially a collection of nice players, and it would be cool to restore these standards after some members affected this reputation. It's also worth noting, that we are usually harder towards reported ~eW` / ~eWA` members when there is a caste in the Ministry of Game Affairs subforum. This is because we require higher standards from Easy Win Clan members than from the ordinary players. Therefore, if by any chance you get reported, the punishments might be stronger than for ordinary players. This has always been this way. I'm not saying I expect any reports, but I just recommend to continue with the good behavior and respecting host's rules. Please don't go on the bad track.

Additional Note:
I'm quite sure I mentioned it earlier, but just to remind: please inform the Clan Leader(s) or the Academy Patron on private, if you suffer any medical problems, such as vision issues, psychiatric disorders, heart disorder (e.g. blood pressure), neurological disorder (e.g. headaches, seizures), or any other thing that you have no problem sharing to trusted persons. We sometimes adjust the tests levels or lessons based on medical conditions, as well as help with Unofficial Patch configuration for possibly unknown for you accessibility settings.
Best regards,
Ministry of Game Affairs
Department of Control and Complains

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