KayOne is no longer a member of ~eW` clan.

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KayOne is no longer a member of ~eW` clan.

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

A few days ago player KayOne started using a nickname with the [PRIME} tag.

I don't have all screenshots, but initially he was lying to me that [PRIME] is a group, not a clan. For example he was sending messages like this:
EE2_ScreenShot_2024-01-01_23.25.06.476.jpg (456.48 KiB) Viewed 4947 times
This made me wait to see how the situation changes.

Today, I received an information from the other ~eW` member, that KayOne started attacking ~eW` clan, by posting offensive messages. He also himself started recruiting other players to his clan.

3a6b0215-2523-4074-8038-2418604b9114.jpg (100.52 KiB) Viewed 4944 times

This is unacceptable behavior to leave our clan without the official resignation on the forum, and the more unacceptable is lying about it being a group to me, and telling that it's the clan to all others. KayOne was known for being a false person, and his behavior actually negatively affected our clan's reputation during the past years. Initially, Easy Win Clan was known from having friendly, polite players. With time, this reputation was affected by the new-joiner players such as KayOne, xoxodu, and few other inactive ones. The ~eW` Leaders did not want to kick players out of the clan, as this procedure was not clearly defined in our rules and depended on the General RULES of the Polls.

Since 04 January 2024, decision of Easy Win Clan Administration:
- KayOne is no longer a member of Easy Win Clan.
- Due to the incorrect leaving procedure, he can not apply again to re-join the Easy Win Clan in the future.
- He is no longer the Bab War teacher for Easy Win Clan Academy (~eWA`) members.
- He loses all benefits of being the Easy Win Clan member on EE2.eu Multiplayer Services.

This is an administrative decision. We do not accept any explanation or appeals, as this is internal Easy Win Clan case, independent from the Ministry of Game Affairs.
Best regards,
Ministry of Game Affairs
Department of Control and Complains

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