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Mouse Scrolling Screen Edge Issue

Posted: 08 Dec 2023, 07:58
by Rob A
Related to this post 'Can I emulate EE on a Mac' - viewtopic.php?t=5600

Good news is I've been able to install the 1.6 Patch into a VM (VMWare Fusion Pro) using Windows 11 Pro. I'm using a 2023 17" MacBook Pro (ARM processor) and all seems to be working great. A nice answer to running this on a modern MBP.

However, I'm having an issue with scrolling on the screen. When I move the mouse cursor to the screen's edge, the main play view jumps to the corner of the main play view. This makes the game virtually unplayable. I've tried playing with settings a bit in Fusion and installing VMware tools but nothing working so far. I'm hoping someone might have some suggestions on anything else to try.\


Re: Mouse Scrolling Screen Edge Issue

Posted: 08 Dec 2023, 13:23
by Dr.MonaLisa
I seen this problem "reported" by players multiple times on the Support Chat and Discord. However, it exactly proves all my previous responses, that ARM processors are incompatible with this game. There must be some weird problem in some of CPU procedure on ARM -> x86 emulation level. The problem most likely has mathematical roots, some values just give different calculation than it should be. This probably doesn't only affect this scrolling problem, but some other calculations in the game, and this is why Multiplayer games quickly result in out of sync errors when there's any player that uses the ARM processor (or simply emulates the game by wine).

I have no psychical possibility to even check this problem to think about some workaround. It would be worth to report this problem to Vmware or Microsoft's team that works on ARM emulation. They should know more what's going on, and they should be the ones fixing it. From my experience though, players are always waiting for solutions, but never attempt to report issues to the correct teams, which makes such bugs persist forever.

How does moving camera using the arrow keys work for you? Does it also cause the jumps?

Re: Mouse Scrolling Screen Edge Issue

Posted: 10 Dec 2023, 09:34
by Rob A
Thanks for the prompt reply Dr.!

Good news, I figured out a fix through some trial and error. By adjusting the mouse scrolling speed down just slightly in the settings of EE2 itself, that fixed the issue. I also found it will crash repeatedly if you leave the auto-detect display settings selection as the default. By forcing it to use the display settings of the Mac I'm using (1680 x 1050) it no longer crashes.

Its working like a charm now on a 2023 MacBook Pro (ARM), running Windows 11 Pro with VMWare Fusion Pro. Happy days and enjoying your great game. I hope this post will help others do the same.

Re: Mouse Scrolling Screen Edge Issue

Posted: 10 Dec 2023, 15:51
by Dr.MonaLisa
Hi Rob! Thanks for posting the solution.

Could you please upload your settings.cfg file here? I would like to check what values were changed.
Please start the UP1.6 Launcher, and click on the "AppData" button next to text "EE2:" or "AOS:" (if you changed it on the expansion pack), then go to folder "Settings" and upload file "settings.cfg". If you logged-in to the Multiplayer Lobby, please edit this file before uploading, and remove the e-mail / hashed password from it.

This makes sense, as the scrolling speed is used for camera moving on borders/corners. I'm worrying, that this might require different "workaround" values for different screen resolutions, as there is something that calculates floats wrongly on ARM emulators.

Also what do you mean by "crashes repeatedly"? It crashes with Unhandled Exception on game start, or where? Do you mean the option in UP1.6 Settings? All it should do is to select the correct (desktops) screen resolution on game start, nothing else. What screen resolution it selects in Game Settings -> Video tab, when it's set to Automatic Detection? Maybe that's the whole problem, maybe the game renders on Mac on different resolution than the actual native screen resolution, hmm... I wish I could check it, but I will most likely never have ARM device myself for normal usage, as I'm too dependent on x86/x64 software.