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DEM of South America

Posted: 02 May 2019, 18:54
by Gonzalo
Please anyone have any decent Digital Elevation Map or simply a realistic map of South America?? I have DEMs of parts of Europe and of whole Europe, Middle East, Iraq, Alexander the Great's empire, Korea and Tunisia to negotiate with...just a joke, I would PAY for a good South America interesting for a Spanish history fanatic...or in other words...any news about DEM file types to work OK within EE2/AoS?? Thanks in advance...
P. S. I am researching about DEM file types and it is a complex issue but by no means impossible...fortunately soon we will have dems of any part of the world working for EE2...just wait!! ^-^

Re: DEM of South America

Posted: 02 May 2019, 19:13
by Sat42
Exciting prospect Gonzalo! hope someone will have what you're looking for!

Say, do you by any chance have some realistic map of the Nile Delta?

Re: DEM of South America

Posted: 02 May 2019, 19:35
by Gonzalo
Thanks for the feedback Sat42...unfortunately I haven't a exact DEM of north Egypt but I have a DEM who extends from Cyprus to the delta of Nile river, you could chop off the rest of the DEM and select just the Delta side (I think map editor will allow this)...unfortunately I am not sure if it covers all of the Delta or just the North side of it, for I have created an "import" folder with the DEMS I have in the main folder of EE2 original 1.5 patched game and I can't longer see the files in the map editor of the game, anyway I send you the DEM:

Hope this stuff is useful for you and thanks again for compliment, greetings

Re: DEM of South America

Posted: 02 May 2019, 19:42
by Sat42
OK understood! Thanks a lot for sharing those files, will check it out!

Cheers! :)

Re: DEM of South America

Posted: 02 May 2019, 20:52
by Gonzalo
I am pleased to help thank you :)

Re: DEM of South America

Posted: 05 May 2019, 10:49
by Loewenherz
Unfortunately, it doesn't works the DEM in EE2. The old Website not more exist, from which you get the data. I dont know a replacement for that.

Re: DEM of South America

Posted: 05 May 2019, 10:58
by Gonzalo
You are right, Loewenherz, but still are many sites providing DEMs, only we should be able of exporting the file formats via 3dstudio or adobe photoshop, I think... :(

Re: DEM of South America

Posted: 05 May 2020, 19:55
by Gonzalo
Here is my humble, and I hope not too complex tutorial:

1. First step. Download from the tiles you are interested in or all the tiles as is explained in that page (A, B, C,....P) or all of them zipped.

2. Save the tile specifically you are interested in, rename it to whatever you like with extension .bin and rename any .hdr and .fmt files from the game with the same name, for example, "ATLANTIC.bin", "ATLANTIC.fmt" and "ATLANTIC.hdr" for tile F

3. Insert the three files in Sierra/Empire Earth 2/Import folder (create folder if doesn't exist)

4. Leave .bin file as it is. We will be working on .fmt (Where we only need to edit the x and y coordinates for latitude (N-S) and longitude (W-E)) and .hdr

5. LEt's edit ATLANTIC.hdr:

------file_title= "ATLANTIC.hdr"
------grid_cell_registration = center
------map_projection = Lat/Lon
------**MAXIMUM HEIGHT: whatever, but be smart (which is the highest peak on that tile? no more than 8848 mts I guess lol)

6. Wee need the number of rows and columns and the coordinates for x and y (latitude and longitude). We download the hdr corresponding to our tile (F) from the url:
We download f10g.hdr from the list of files and copy these registers to ATLANTIC.hdr.

7. Run EE2 / Art of Supremacy UP15 (or any other mod) , go to map editor, choose File>>Import DEM and you will see a list of your dems, if any. choose Atlantic.bin and click "Accept"
A dialog box should appear where you can set the height, roughness, size etc of your map. click "Ok"

8. DONE!!! =)

I post here the "Atlantic.hdr" and "Atlantic.fmt" files for further reference:


Code: Select all

begin name_equiv
	$minimum_value min__value
	$maximum_value max__value
end name_equiv
begin constant
	data_byte_order text little_endian
	file_title text My%Selection
end constant

ASCII_input_file_header_separate_varied	"selection header"
create_format 0 0 text 0

binary_input_data	"PC binary::elev_m"
elev_m 1 2 ARRAY["lat" 45.000000 to 35.000000 by 0.00833333333]["lon" -8.000000 to 0.000000 by 0.00833333333] OF int16 0


Code: Select all

file_title               =  Atlantic.hdr
data_type                = raster
grid_cell_registration   = center
map_projection           = Lat/Lon
left_map_x               = -89.99583333333
right_map_x              = 0.08333333333
upper_map_y              = 0.08333333333
lower_map_y              = 49.99583333333
number_of_rows           = 6000
number_of_columns        = 10800
grid_size                = 0.00833333333
elev_m_unit              = meters
min__value               = 1
max__value               = 4984
elev_m_min               = 1
elev_m_max               = 4984
elev_m_missing_flag      = -500
number_of_display_colors = 256
data_value_unit          = elev_m
data_byte_order          = little_endian

Hope this tutorial isn't so badly-explained, after all....expecting feedback and comments/questions :) :) :)

Meanwhile I continue to research how to paste two or more tiles so that big countries are covered...

Added after 4 minutes 50 seconds:
(123.6 MiB) Downloaded 251 times

Added after 25 minutes 15 seconds:
Here is my example:
(18.1 MiB) Downloaded 184 times

Added after 1 hour 44 minutes :
Another proof in my defence:
(20.23 MiB) Downloaded 180 times

Re: DEM of South America

Posted: 05 May 2020, 20:09
by Dr.MonaLisa
Hi Gonzalo. Thanks for your experiments.
Unfortunately, as long as we can't select custom areas, or have the full world file... it's a bit useless. Europe itself is split into 4 areas.

We need to find a way to have the new World Map in first place.

Re: DEM of South America

Posted: 05 May 2020, 21:19
by Gonzalo
What the hell do you think I am researching now??
THAT itself!!!
I will get it...SOON
There is a lot of topographic and geospatial information so in English as in Spanish on the web
I will look into it...thanx for feedback ^^