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Problem with the zoom

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 15:49
by GinoGL
With version 1.5.004 I had no problems, then upgrade to version 1.5.007 I had problems with the zoom that was not working, I also tried the succesiva version but I still have problems with the zoom. The game, Empire Earth II and AoS, is installed on 3 PC respectively with Windows XP (x86), Windows 7 (x86) and Windows 10 (x64). The problem is always the same.

Re: Problem with the zoom

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 19:09
by Dr.MonaLisa
You mean and
First of all update to by the Launcher (or redownload the patch from the official download page). As it was mentioned in the UP1.5 forum topic, there were some changes for the "disable up.15 units buildings and sounds" option. If you disabled 1.5 features it restored camera from the official version of the game. It's not a bug, I was just tired of people complaining that they don't like the new camera settings. Anyway, please read: there is a special configuration command that will keep the up1.5 camera settings when you disable new units.
If you didn't disable 1.5 units and you have this bug please write it.

Sorry for errors, I'm writing from the phone.