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The Empire Earth 2 cursor

Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 16:09
by TheGrouchDE
is it possible to get the cursor which is used in empire earth 2 to get for my pc? ^^
It would be quite cool to use the ee2 cursor the whole time of it good look.
thx for help if i get some XD

Re: The Empire Earth 2 cursor

Posted: 28 Jul 2012, 15:15
by Dr.MonaLisa
It should be possible. I'll took at it late, but for now you should contact to smarter person:

I sent to him message, but I'm not sure if he will see it.
So you should create an account on his forum:
And then create a topic with your question. For sure he will help you Image

But I'll look at it today evening or tomorrow.

Re: The Empire Earth 2 cursor

Posted: 31 Jul 2012, 23:20
by TheGrouchDE
I did it. With a program and a screenshot i brought the cursor to my pc :-). If im able to give link it will be the first to down it :-)

Re: The Empire Earth 2 cursor

Posted: 31 Jul 2012, 23:27
by Dr.MonaLisa
DomDom12/13 wrote:I did it. With a program and a screenshot i brought the cursor to my pc :-). If im able to give link it will be the first to down it :-)
Oh, nice. But anyway cursor from screenshot isn't that good quality, as EE2 cursor would be. That's why RGV1 should still look at it.

Re: The Empire Earth 2 cursor

Posted: 31 Jul 2012, 23:51
by TheGrouchDE
The quality?Well i use the cursor maybe i show a pic of how it look like. yh i was at contact RGV1 but then i come the solution by myself and i hope i get no problems by this. Oh the crusor is already downable by ee heaven and mediafire.(Link i cant give here)

Re: The Empire Earth 2 cursor

Posted: 31 Jul 2012, 23:56
by Dr.MonaLisa
DomDom12/13 wrote:The quality?Well i use the cursor maybe i show a pic of how it look like. yh i was at contact RGV1 but then i come the solution by myself and i hope i get no problems by this. Oh the crusor is already downable by ee heaven and mediafire.(Link i cant give here)
Try now, I just disabled option: "Unauthorize members with less than a week registration to post external links and emails".

Re: The Empire Earth 2 cursor

Posted: 01 Aug 2012, 00:28
by TheGrouchDE
thank you
i noticed really a problem the brightness. the cursor is some darker. I will work on
but first Cursor
Open the control Panel click on mouse
go to pointer
double click on for example:
normal choose
It will ask for a path.
now you go to the path where the EE2 cursor is and click or double click on it.
click to take and then ok. Now it will be the cursor of EE2