!ID - AntiSmurf for Empire Earth II

Since: 01.07.2011 to: 28.02.2014. For: Unofficial Patch 1.3 users.
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Re: !ID - AntiSmurf for Empire Earth II

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

dynasty wrote:Smurfing is part of the game. One of the only parts that keeps it fun still.
Maybe for you, but people are aways pissed off of smurfs, and it's not good :/
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Re: !ID - AntiSmurf for Empire Earth II

Post by Matty »

I think that when you are smurfed and you lose, you are a little pissed off, but from other side you feel like important, when you win, you feel like a champion. In my opinion, smurfs help ee2 because it's a feature of the game which i have never seen in different games.
Yes, I don't like the fact that smurfs say who they are when they win, and they don't say it when they lose, but despite it, one of my most beautiful memories of ee2 is this feature.
Anyway i think it's not madness thinking the countrary, it depends on you.
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Re: !ID - AntiSmurf for Empire Earth II

Post by Legolego40 »

Sure, this sounds like a good idea. We'll be able to identify glitchers on smurf accounts more easily.
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Re: !ID - AntiSmurf for Empire Earth II

Post by Malistrom »

I am pro-smurf. My argument is that no matter who the smurf is, you will not play any better against them if you know who they are. It is the reason I smurf. No one plays against me in a 1vs1 rated, and rarely unrated...
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Re: !ID - AntiSmurf for Empire Earth II

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

Yeah, same here... But I have to admit many ~eW` players (and eWA) training 1v1 with me. I just started to 2v1 games. I don't care if I lose, because they still know it was 2v1, but sometimes you can have really good and long game.
Also Mali, why you want to play rated games? (why are you hosting it)? Points aren't important in this era of EE2...
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Re: !ID - AntiSmurf for Empire Earth II

Post by lukwerty »

Well mona, rated games aren't so important in this era of ee2, i agree. But u must understand that if someone plays well, this person must be rewarded. if not what is the reason of having leaderboard or skirmish/tournay option in the game? since everyone only does unrated games.. i understand that some people do that because they are against clanmates or because they are playing with friends for fun, ok, no problem if this is the main reason. However sometimes it gets boring.. because you are playing normal or against an antagonist clan but you can't gain points or u can't be rewarded because you're still doing unrated.. and when you should gain u don't.. whats the point then? it serves to instigate the ppl on ee2 for getting better and better..
Now, the total of games may satisfy this craving but not for so much time. i mean, as an exemple you can take Coo1, if you see him for first time you are astonished and stunned but then, after, when you do your first game against him you realize that he isn't so good as seem to be and certainly he doesn't deserve his "1000 points"( or deserve idk..) but what i really mean is: how may i know if u are really good with a plenty of games if i can't see your points? well i can but.. only 1000? ahh so poor.. in my humble opinion it should be filled as a part of game, nevertheless, of course, without take it like the most important thing to do on ee2. because if not... well the consequences are basically " i am better than you, no i am.. and bla bla" So i conclude saying that: we must and should moderate in everything, whether favor of rating system, whether against rating system.

well, sorry for talking too much, but i had to clarify the other side of it. Since once in a while people say " idc about points.. omg do you care about points?! points is for who don't want to be fun.. and related.." however, in fact, the reality is another one.. it isn't because we don't care about fun or because we just wanna points.. (well maybe someone really wants to be the best one and want to show power through of points it is just "someone", not everyone..) it is because we need to be rewarded.. we deserve it as a sort of credit(i bet mali agrees with me in this point) and no one can refuse this fact irrefutable.

And now, about anti-smurf option, i'll vote in legal for the time being, because i want to see more arguments associated to the fact of it do not be allowed.

That's all now. Your eyes won't hurt no more.
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Re: !ID - AntiSmurf for Empire Earth II

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

Yeah, I can't understand good, because I'm already in good position on leaderboard list... But leaderboard didn't work when I was getting points, and only one reason why I "collected" Ok, don't lie... CHEATED, was because I wanted to see if person with more than 10 000 points be on the list, even if there is "bug" which showed only 1000 points people with 1 game played.
So I understand if people wanna be on the list. But it doesn't change fact, that everyone see if player is good. For example I hate to play on accounts with more than 1500 points, just because I know I'm not enought good for that (OK, I am, I don't wanna be cocky...). But when I lose 1 game, and I've 2k account, then everyone looking at you as at noob... And you can hear only "And he has 2000 points? He sucks!".
Anyway my previous post was about smurfing in rated games... Because it's topic about "ID" and I connected facts. For example person loging on EE2, hosting rated game and waiting when someone who don't know who is he join. Then he is smurfing and getting 30-50 points for new account with 1000 points... For what? It's just stupid to collecting points on low, new accounts. If you want to be on leaderboard, then play on one, the best account, and try to get more points...
So if someone say: "ID isn't good, because I have to smurf, else none play rated games against me", then it's stupid, because as we all know it doesn't help to your account which should be on leaderboard.

I'm writing long post, so sorry if I said it before, but I don't remember: Everyone see if you're good or not. In unrated games too. I good know who is super player, and it should be enought.

But I have more negative comments about rated games...
So.. EE2 developers failed at scripting points system, and it's bigger bug than res glitch in game. The worest is host quit -.- It's just unfair, because in last week I noted minimum 5 hostquites, and it was in most by one person: BlueDream from Ctt. He was hosting rated games, played. Even KayOne owned him, or Matty - he host quited... He never lost any points... And all other people were losing. It's just in my opinion unfair. It's even worse than "Out of sync" which I can do... Because after OOS game isn't counted anymore, just like unrated...

I'm again talking about milion things in different topic but I'll add one more:
- EE2 PLAYER ISN'T ABLE TO GET MORE THAN 3500 POINTS. As I said EE2 developers scripted it too bad. If you have 3500 points, then for one game you can win 10-15 points, but when you lose one (someone smurf you), then you're losting 50-75 points [if hostQuit you can lose even 100]). So it's just impossible to get good rating in fair playing. There be always idiot who smurf you to make you sad. That's why I'm telling to play unrated games. I just know it's better for you, and less nervous...

Also one note (Again about me, forgive me it, but I'm talking a loot about me like anyone care...), I'm not playing rated games from 1 reason:
- My computer likes to crash. Not computer but EE2.exe I think everyone who ever played with me knows it. It doesn't depends by me. So I'm not playing rated games, because I don't want to hate this game more. And trust me I could do it, because I am probably only one active player who knows how to Out of sync, and with it I would never lose any points. [If I was host of course, because if I wouldn't be host then some idiots would for sure host quit].
That's all. Thanks for wasted time on reading it.
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Re: !ID - AntiSmurf for Empire Earth II

Post by lukwerty »

ok i don't want to foment this subject, especially because this is a topic about anti-smurf section and not about points lol.
But, firstly i'd like to say that if you are already on leaderboard list, it is because, obviously, you were getting points before, therefore you probably must understand better than any other person who is getting it now. And the leaderboard was just the main reason of rating system exists by the way. Under these circumstances, we can conclude that you've understood that perfectly, but you just misunderstood the facts.. possibly because you were tired and or hurry.. am i right? well anyway this is not what i really want to say.. so prepare yourself about what is coming.
Leader wrote: So I understand if people wanna be on the list. But it doesn't change fact, that everyone see if player is good. For example I hate to play on accounts with more than 1500 points, just because I know I'm not enought good for that (OK, I am, I don't wanna be cocky...). But when I lose 1 game, and I've 2k account, then everyone looking at you as at noob... And you can hear only "And he has 2000 points? He sucks!".
well, I think I've understood what you wanted to tell us here. You said that if you play 1 game with someone and lose from this someone, everyone is looking at you or this someone like a noob. yes.. somehow i agree with you, however you should know who was/were in the game and you should know who was against who.. since it could've been a 3v1 or 2v1 (or could've been redline and mona against luk and mali we have good points but not enough to beat you guys...) so i guess if that player loses.. he/she shouldn't be considered like "sucks". Now if he/she lost in a 1v1 or 2v2 normal, you must considere he or she(how many time will i have to say this? xD) could is having problem and having a bad day. If not, if it is good and playing well/normal, he/she(ok only once more!) doesn't deserve to get points and 'ergo' must lose his/her points.
Leader wrote:I'm writing long post, so sorry if I said it before, but I don't remember: Everyone see if you're good or not. In unrated games too. I good know who is super player, and it should be enought.
Yes right, but I suggest you should re.. re.. re..(omg it is difficult xD) reread(finally!) the coo1's exemple, principally because I good know who ARE super players, and they should be enough. But for exemple: you know, i know.. and some others of our specimen know.. who aren't, don't know, and they should to for a question of precaution. If you catch my drift..
And another point is that we must try to understand the creators of ee2, because when they were doing leaderboard option, they thought it would be useful so that the players would play it for fun. So it is supposedly created for fun, we shouldn't "interfere" or "pause" in this mode of the game, on the contrary we should to take advantage about that in my opinion.

Now, about the rest, smurfs.. hostquitters.. ee2 players not be abled to get more than 3500 and bla bla.. i practically agree with you( for do not talk entirely xD). And more, I voted tightly in legal option due to these factors and others.. ;/

Ok now it is definitive xD I won't say anymore in this topic, unless if it really important. So don't worry about your eyes and patient lol Image
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Re: !ID - AntiSmurf for Empire Earth II

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

I changed my vote to: NO

Why did I change it? There is no chance to enable this script for everyone. List is to long (over 10 000 accounts), and checking of 1 ID takes ~2 minutes.
It's just impossible to enable it for everyone. Even I don't use it via EE2 lobby (I just search in TXT document). So Since there is no chance for this script for everyone - it can't be enabled.

But if anyone wants to check "who smurf is", because Smurf insulted him, or something, then please contact to me. I'll check.

Thanks for everyone who discussed in this topic.

Topic closed
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Re: !ID - AntiSmurf for Empire Earth II

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

I've got a good information Image
I changed my vote to "YES" again.

Something like AntiSmurf has been enabled in the "EE2 Status Center".
I've created a script which allows everyone to search players via Internet Browser Image
I hope everyone likes it, and I won't be longer molested on the IRC channel with questions "Who is?", "who is?".
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