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Re: TheKnight is now banned for a toxic behavior

Posted: 22 Nov 2020, 21:38
by IndieRock00
Too bad, it seems that the knight is convinced of what he says and goes around telling it without any proof. I was hoping for a misunderstanding but eventually I'm naive. Regarding these images provided by gnooty, I am glad that there is something aside here, however it seems to me that direct unconditional testimony from gnooty is also needed. I understand that he wants to remain confidential and has no interest in meddling in these affairs, but he has been called into question by Mona, and it is (in my opinion) duty that he gives his interpretation of the facts.

Re: TheKnight is now banned for a toxic behavior

Posted: 22 Nov 2020, 22:02
by Dr.MonaLisa
In my honest opinion, it shouldn't have even escalated to the stage, where other players need to share their opinion.

The case was as simple as an apology and admitting to the error.

I'm not saying the other player's opinion is not needed, but what does it change when there is so much evidence of the validity of this report?

As stated before, TheKnight has been unbanned on the request of Department of Justice. He is now fully muted, until this case (this is punishment) is done. Digging this subject more and more won't come to anything good, as I theoretically could start digging in the database of the lobby messages, and so on.

Re: TheKnight is now banned for a toxic behavior

Posted: 22 Nov 2020, 22:31
by IndieRock00
It amazes me how all of a sudden you want to take stock of everything just now, while up to a few of your previous messages you were trying to dig deep down to every single word. I simply ask for the testimony of someone who has provided valid evidence to you (mona) but has so far only spoken through you. However, I am not the moderator here and it is not my interest to confuse internal conflicts. Kind regards from Indierock00 a bit perplexed.

Re: TheKnight is now banned for a toxic behavior

Posted: 22 Nov 2020, 22:50
by Dr.MonaLisa
It amazes me how all of a sudden you want to take stock of everything just now, while up to a few of your previous messages you were trying to dig deep down to every single word.
All that comes in previous messages are false accusations towards me. How can this be ignored?

All different people that posted in this topic somehow had negative opinion towards TheKnight's behavior. Do you want to see more people adding nails to the coffin?

This is a cruelty.

Me and Minister Matty gave a huge chance to TheKnight. His ban has been exchanged to a Full mute until the case is resolved. And what we got in a reward for that? Got called an "idiot" or "talking to a wall", by a person who himself ignored all the arguments, proof and skipped questions from the Department of Justice.

So you guys can dig this subject forever, but it won't change anything.

Punishment, after yesterday's insults, has to be done. A cherry on a cake are screenshots that I received today, that confirm everything without leaving any doubts. Talking so-called "jokes" public (so I can see it) can be considered as a mistake or provoking for "jokes", but when we see that it's been even done behind my back, with new players in game room, it's fully disrespectful and confirms bad intentions.

And for your information, the topic should have been locked yesterday after that offensive post. The fact it's still being open is an unexpectedly huge mercy from me.

Re: TheKnight is now banned for a toxic behavior

Posted: 24 Nov 2020, 16:07
by Gnoo
*[p.a.!] = pro_of available - but not provided in order to prevent further damages]

It's the first time that I feel urged to respond to a matter about a reported player in this forum as I prefer to not report (or help to possibly ban or punish) anyone for anything if not really necessary, because I am happy about every active player (or observer) enjoying this fabulous game („Emire Earth 2“) as much as I do and helps keeping the small community alive.

The only reason why I am responding here at all is the request of my very respected italian EE2-Buddy „IndieRock00“, who I remember coming online meeting me noob-bashing him hard until he became skilled enough to noob-bash me back even harder at current status.
Revenge can be so sweet and bitter sometimes. „witch8“ (taunt). :mrgreen: :cry:

I wasn't too shocked of Knight's first response to the matter (I hope to find time to read closer into all of the following posts of this loooong thread, later on), but even though I have never seen him being sorry about anything, I really would have been positively supriesed, if he would have shown at least some sort of instant and honest remorse this time and maybe even drop a small apology towards Mona (Or even me(?) - as I would be feeling deeply sorry to hear that my avoidable behaviour caused a player to stay absent, if I were in his place.) with sincere words of trying to change for the better in the future, but as usual he decided trying to find a way out of the back door again with his „lawyerical“ talent of denying facts, twisting words around and even making things up until it sounds better in his favor and as it seems even is insulting and trying furthermore to manipulate others to speak out for him (in the „courtroom“) instead of finally taking responsibility for his own actions and start to tackle the real problem.

Considering the lack of active players on a skilled level it's a resulting fact that players of different types of characters meet up to have a good time together online, who in reallife might never even hangout due to a lack of personal chemistry or even diverging worldviews. Actually it's a chance for a glinse out of your reallife bubble (social class), which usually makes it even more interesting, but then certainly it will also lead to some trouble and fights, which to a certain level can also be very entertaining depending on how seriously it gets or someone takes it.

I can only guess why the towards me at first very polite and friendly appearing Knight became toxic (towards some others and especially me). Maybe I did something bad to him without being aware of it? I am always open for a clarifying conversation.

I remember meeting „Vladimir...“ (or similar?) in the lobby for the very first time and how much I enjoyed the fresh breeze that came along with his unique kind of humor and his talent for sarcastic language. I also liked to see „Vlad“ (later „Knight“) improve game by game to become an established player in the long run (just like „IndieRock00“) as it sadly happens very rarely that new players have the endurance to play until considered to be a decent player, but when he finally reached that point he also seemed to change his behaviour to a rather snootily and hypocratical manner by continously bullying others about their (lack of) skills, way of playing, favourite/preferred sets or playing rated games vs. new players in order to gain „free points“, while his own words easily could have been used against himelf. I mean after all he has certain preferences of sets like everyone does and his stalent of playing with massive def spam does not hold him back from complaining about it, when others are doing it, too. :shock:
I am a big fan of free speech. So I think there is no problem at all in telling personal opinions or even critisising others in a sarcastic way (I even do appreaciate the sarcastic part), but not if it's full of hypocricy!

To give a more specific example for his hypocratical demeanor:
It felt very strange to me that he was continously mocking on the player Kiffke for his „noob bashing“ thing that he got famous for.
(On me as well as „KiffkeFake“, while I was jokingly trying to get even more „free points“ than the real Kiffke during that time)
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[He might have included himself in this specific statement already? :lol:
but there is much more and harder "kiffke" bullying proof available!]

Hypocritically Knight was also collecting "free points" from new players, though!
He sat in the lobby and when a new player joined the lobby all of the sudden he was hosting and playing rated games vs. the new player(s),
but would not play the intended rated game vs. me or other „old“ players, if we joined his rated lobby to play vs. him instead of the newby.

One of Knight's reactions, when I confronted him with his obvious hypocrisy after he was sucking point from a new player was, that it's not my problem. Right, but how come he thinks it's his problem, if others are doing the same thing? :roll: :?:
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I simply don't like, when people measure things with double standards and as I am usually a very frank and direct person I told him about his obvious hypocrisy from my point of view.
I did not even mean to hurt his ego about it, as I already had noticed that he is taking the ranking system way too seriously. All I wanted was to point it out to him in the hope he might be able to self reflect on this fact and hange, but instead (I saw the same reaction pattern that can be observed in his responds here) he got very mad and angry and since that day (years ago by the way) he was never ever nice to me again like he used to be before. I was not upset about it – just confussed how someone could change his behaviour toward me because of such a childish reason. To me it seems as if Knight finds it generally difficult to handle critism in a positive way as some kind of support for self reflection and as an opportunity to become an even better Knight version without taking it too personally or be resentful for too long. From now on he was usually „ignoring“ me by joining the lobby and instead of joining my host to play or „shit chat“ he would just drop „Oh, no good players on.“ in the lobby and leave or when lobby was more active he would make mocking „jokes“ about me. For example there was this new player (whome I was teaching in the past as „Dr.Who“) asking: „WO IST DR WHO“(„Where is Dr.Who?“), while I was online as KiffkeFake. Knight could not resist the trigger to answer: „dr.who is a shit player who everyone hates“.
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Or when I as host stated, that it's hard to put (fair teams).
Instead of providing helpfull ideas he left to host his own game but not before dropping the humorous comment "put it in your ass". :oops:
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There have been uncountable insidences like this, but I just wanted to give a small overview of what I am talking about - I generally didn't feel personally „hurt“, though, as this bullying was not only reserved for me and it also usually came along with this certain entertaining way of sarcasm and also because it really takes a lot until I would take words seriously from an online stranger, but of course I could not really appreciate actions agaist me, like when he was trying to persuade other hosts to kick me without any necessity, which he had tried multiple times.
So, this is not true that Gnooty quit personally because of me. I talked to him very rarely and even if we talked sometimes everything was fine. Once, maybe, we could have a problem when he joined my room, which was full of people. He became observer quickly, because didn't like teams. After I asked him 3 times to play, he ignored and I kicked him. But excuse me, what could I do, when he were joining in 5v5 game and going to observers, while I had 3 people in line, who were saying to me "pls pls open Knight". Of course, in this case, I would let another player to play.
Thanks, for claiming that everything is fine between us and that we only once had a problem. :o
I would never be mad if I was kicked out of a full room as an observer!
It's common sense, that an observer should not be stealing a slot from someone, who would like to join a big team game to play.
Unfortunately these cases are very rare, though. The happier I am, if it happens and if I am not AFK I am the first willing to leave the host if I am not planning to play. I am sure players have noticed me leaving rooms myself in cases like that. So once again Knight is making or mixing things up about the incedent that made me quit playing EE2 for a while. His hosted room was not full and I testify that everything happened the way I said in the screenshoted private chat and not the way knight tries to put it now. I did not try to find possible screenshots of it yet, though.
For him the incident has probably just been another joke he probably does not even remember anymore, but to me it was the drop that made the cup run over for me.
I simply did not want to be a part or rather be surrounded by such a toxic and hypocritcal atmosphere like that any longer.

Are you able to admitt or will you find excuses again?
Four simple questions for you (knight): Is this hypocrisy or nah? :?:
1 - Knight joking about me mostly observing, but then persuading me to observe instead of trying to figure out fair teams?

2 - Knight as host trying to force me to click ready with uncomfortable team sets by threatening to kick me, if I don't click ready or change to observer and then still kicking me, when I actually change to observer??

3 - Knight, who is not getting tired of claiming to be the more skilled player of us two, putting me in teams he would not even want to play himself as I offered to simply switch him and me???

4 - Knight complaining about the small community, but treeting active players like that????

You more than once let me know that In your point of view I ONLY observe and can't be counted as an active player, though, right?
Maybe it's a good timing to explain this to you:
I try to put myself in player position only if I know that I don't need to go afk in order to prevent others from waiting on me too long before being able to start a game. Like all the unrespectful waiting you are causing while being afk for very long, while others want to start the game already.
Also, I simply prefer 1 vs.1 games as those seem to be more balanced to me and without the possibility of blaming others for losing a game, but I obviously do enjoy to observe big matches. Why are you so mad about my obs(session) for obs(erving)?
By the way: I do play a lot, too, but mostly during other times of the day than you do.

More Hypocrisy:
„Supporting inferior players by advise and hints as observer during (rated) games“


Once again I can smell pure hypocrisy!
I even do remember Knight being one of the reasons why the possibility of talking to players as observer during rated games has been closed as I mentioned how Knight was hardly trying to help Wilp („Fercho“) during a rated game vs me.
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I did not complain about it back then - I even liked that he was trying to teach "Fercho" to get better and made the specific game more challanging this way.
I was just wondering why he did this, while complaining about Mona doing it?
By the way skilled players should be thankfull for attempts to improve the skills of inferior players. At some point it might get hard to tell who is more skilled, so I also think it should be respected if a player like Knight feels that he is equally skilled as „Kenneth“ and therefore asks/demands not to help „Kenneth“ during the game. "hahaha" (taunt)
Though, I think there are two differenct styles of helping:
Helping to understand fundamental parts of the game should never be prohibited in my oppinion, but helping equally skilled players by providing information about certain weak points of the enemy (like when and where to attack best) is another question and I can understand if it's not appreciated for reasons of fairness.

Finally my humble opinion about Knights accusations of hacking/glitching in order to explain Mona's overwhelming skills:
I know this is all about a matter of preventing personal reputation destruction, which additionally may have a negative influence on how much new players will trust the patch and server, but if this assumption would have been proclaimed „privatly“ I think it even could be interpreted as a huge compliment:
Knight is simply trying to find an explanation for why Mona remains unbeatable for him, even though he is trying hard to become just as skilled.
Sometimes (especially for Players with an exaggerated ego) it's hard to admit that you are simply not capable of pressing the right buttons at the right time in order to be recognized as an unbeatable and highly skilled player.

After all, we all are making mistakes in live and I am a fan of second chances and I am glad that my „antibuddy“ (Knight, as he prohibited me to use his former nick and obviously real name "Vlad") has (for now) already received a second chance and got unbanned to join the war parties again even if only muted at the moment.
I'd be happy to see him use this possibility as there seem to be players such as "Indy" and "Wilpy" missing him and for my part I mean what can be more satisfying than a good win against an „online enemy“ in a war game without the possibility of reading bad excused for it afterwards?
„21“ (taunt)

Re: TheKnight is now banned for a toxic behavior

Posted: 24 Nov 2020, 19:24
by Dr.MonaLisa
As first, I would like to thank everyone for extremely long posts in this topic. It's very appreciated, that players care about this community so much. It might be a good English-writing training as well, so it's not like all keystokes are worthless.

Second, I would like to say, that I feel extremely sorry for TheKnight, and that this case has escalated to the phase where multiple people confirmed my evidence. This is the thing I was trying to avoid, but the lack of admitting to the own mistakes made it escalate to this phase.

As the Administrator (and what's worse) a developer I have rights to ban / mute players without posting public reasons. It sometimes happens that I ban/mute, usually racist players after their first messages on the Lobby, without writing posts on the forum. The fact I spent time to write this topic during the active Minor Update 158002 development, shows that I have a respect towards every active player, and that I wanted this case to be transparent and resolved.

I'm a little bit disappointed, that some players didn't believe in my evidence and tried to find a second deep in my posts. This caused more players to be contacted privately and asked to "post", and those posts turned against TheKnight who was hoped to get help... I am not an angel myself, but thinking that I would make a public report without serious reasons is not understandable for me. The fact that I often ask players to report players on the forum is exactly what I am talking about, and it was tried to be used against me, like I'm adding "a gasoline". You can imagine, that whenever there is a problem between players, it all gets reported to me. I myself dislike this fact, because then, whenever any decision is made, it turns like nobody gets punished until offends Dr.Mona. And that's not the truth. If Googol, Gnooty and few other players wrote reports on time, we would avoid a situation, where almost all posts from different players turn against the reported user. Even for me, it was unexpected, and this is what made me feel sad.

On the other hand, I've shown good intentions from the Ministry side. I wrote that the apology is accepted (in fact got insulted right after it, but whatever). I had no doubts that the apology was not serious, and that the punishment is the only "fair" way to end this case. The accounts were unbanned, but the full mute remained until it's finished. Normally, the punishments of this type require a text to be written 100 times. In this case, it was reduced to 20 as a reward for spending the time for defense (although it contained more manipulations and false accusations). The text for hand-writting didn't contain any word about "harming the community", and as I got informed later, TheKnight said to the other players that it's the reason why he is not finishing it, because he doesn't admit to it. It's considered as another words-twisting and manipulation.

The evidence posted by Gnooty doesn't leave any doubts for me. The punishment has to be finished in order to get unmuted.
Dr.MonaLisa wrote: 21 Nov 2020, 20:42 Requirements:
1. Smartphone with at least 5Mpx camera.
2. Paper and Pen.

1. Please write 20 (twenty) times, on unlimited amount of sheets, adding a number to every sentence, using pen and paper, in English:

"1. I apologize all players, especially Her Excellency High Representative Dr. Mona Lisa, for my unacceptable behaviour, twisting words and false accusations. I promise that it will not happen again. VLADISLAV000001."

2. When you finish writing it 20 times, please make photos of your text, with your smartphone camera, in good light.
3. In this forum topic, click on the "Full Editor & Preview" button. Go to "Attachments" tab and upload all photos which show the text you wrote. Then click "Submit" to send a message.

The Ministry will verify if you carefully followed all steps, if photos are in good light & quality. We will verify if all 20 points have unique (different) handwriting character. If we detect any serious irregularities, your punishment will never be removed.

The Department of Control promises to unmute you when your penalty is correctly finished.

* Please note that the provided sentence must be rewritten step-by-step. Please use the provided nickname "VLADISLAV000001", NOT "TheKnight".

On the side fact, I had some hard moments with Gnooty. As a kid, I used to have a strong discussion about the World War II reparations that Germany should pay. I think it even went to the phase where I used "grandfathers" term. I remember I had some reasons to discuss it, but also trolling aspirations. I didn't expect that Gnooty would take it so serious. It made him stop playing for a few weeks. However, I noticed it and sent an apology messages. I wasn't afraid to say sorry.

At the end, I'd like to say that players like TheKnight are not able to offend me, so the whole topic is not about it. I know my value, and I don't need to prove any pride. If TheKnight ever decides to finish the punishment, he can be sure that I will not bring this case back, use it on chats or whatever. I would consider it as done and a new beginning started.

The punishments are issued to help players, not to satisfy those who are reporting. If you write something using a pen and paper, there is a greater chance that you will remember it and at least try not to make the same mistakes in the future.

Re: TheKnight is now banned for a toxic behavior

Posted: 24 Nov 2020, 20:07
by Googol
It is a bit sad that things had to escalate to this point, reading all of these posts made me realize that.

It also made me rethink the approach on certain matters.

I feel sorry for how the things turned out.

TheKnight is an active and a good player, even though we have our differences, I would not want him banned as i mentioned before or completely muted forever, I understand that he should accept the consequences of his actions. He certainly can get on my nerves quite easily sometimes, but rethinking the situation i believe my "fight fire with fire" approach has not been very mature nor wise for that matter. I have made my points of my defense in my first post, however in the end, I would like to apologize to TheKnight for acting immature in response to his jokes and remarks. Maybe it did encourage him even more to make more remarks and jokes towards me without me realizing it at the time.

I do hope all of us can put this behind us and carry on as if nothing happened, after all everyone makes mistakes and thats what makes us human in the first place.

There were times when we were both nice to each other long time ago, as I have mentioned before and I believe those were the good times, I can only hope we could return at that point in time somewhere in the near future.

Thank you,

Re: TheKnight reported for a toxic behavior

Posted: 26 Nov 2020, 06:41
by Gonzalo
I was punished by Dr. Mona Lisa to write "I am stupid and her excellency Dr. Mona Lisa is right" or something like a hundred times on a sheet of paper because I had offended him somehow and I did, and he forgave me.

Added after 1 minute 41 seconds:
And I would repeat it, if he demanded it!!

Re: TheKnight reported for a toxic behavior

Posted: 26 Nov 2020, 12:43
by Dr.MonaLisa
The text to write was more polite... But thanks for pointing that out.

Re: TheKnight reported for a toxic behavior

Posted: 27 Nov 2020, 02:41
by Dr.MonaLisa
Gonzalo wrote: 26 Nov 2020, 06:41 I was punished by Dr. Mona Lisa to write "I am stupid and her excellency Dr. Mona Lisa is right" or something like a hundred times on a sheet of paper because I had offended him somehow and I did, and he forgave me.

Added after 1 minute 41 seconds:
And I would repeat it, if he demanded it!!
Took me a while, but I found a proof that I never forced Gonzalo to write "I am stupid...".
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You guys should really stop putting words in my mouth. People reading it might think bad about me.

I think you should re-write this punishment as you said, 10 times is enough:
"I'm sorry Your Majesty Dr.MonaLisa - Gonzalo".