EE2, EE2X - Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.6 (2014+)

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Re: EE2, EE2X - Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.6 (2014+)

Post by Bogdan »

Hi Mona! Speaking of
- Changed the population points cost of ICBMs from 4 to 1 (produced in Missile Silo). This is because, with the Unofficial Patch's Missile Defense System, ICBMs are not as powerful as they used to be.
Can this change be ignored by the game if 'Unlock 1.6 buildings' is set to 'No' or 'No (keep new camera)'?
Never seen something critical before, but what do you usually do to separate 'vanilla' balance and things that change it?

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Re: EE2, EE2X - Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.6 (2014+)

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

Bogdan wrote: 23 Oct 2024, 18:36 Hi Mona! Speaking of
- Changed the population points cost of ICBMs from 4 to 1 (produced in Missile Silo). This is because, with the Unofficial Patch's Missile Defense System, ICBMs are not as powerful as they used to be.
Can this change be ignored by the game if 'Unlock 1.6 buildings' is set to 'No' or 'No (keep new camera)'?
Never seen something critical before, but what do you usually do to separate 'vanilla' balance and things that change it?
It potentially could cost more when UP1.6 units are disabled, but is that really important? AI players are not using many ICBMs, and you as a player really want it to take so many population points?

I think the ammo.ddf file is used on both versions (disabled & enabled) units. Duplicating this file just to eat more population points would be annoying from my point of view, as this file is sometimes updated, so instead of 2 files, I'd need to remember to import changes to 4 files & then test it... You can get the totally full vanilla experience when you use the Developers Version of UP1.6 from: but for little changes like this one, I still think it doesn't change the experience at all.
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Re: EE2, EE2X - Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.6 (2014+)

Post by Bogdan »

Not that I wanted more population points :D
Developers version indeed is the answer here, forgot that
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Re: EE2, EE2X - Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.6 (2014+)

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

Minor update 160020 has been released!

Update Type: Monthly Update. Changes:

- Fixed a bug (present since ver. 1.0) where Ground to Air Missile (Anti-Air building in Epoch 13) was not rotating (heading the turret towards the enemy's planes) correctly. There was a 90 degree offset that should now be fixed.
- New Feature: Option "EE2ENet Boost" added to Maximization Helper & Game Tweaker:
* When enabled, this option removes the 1 ms sleep in the Multiplayer EE2ENet thread. This helps resolve issues with random or periodic lag in multiplayer games, where units may visibly slow down, especially in low-ping games with ping under 30 ms.
* Enabling this option increases one of the CPU cores usage (used by EE2ENet thread) to 100% (instead of 0-1%), so it is recommended to only use this feature as needed and disable it afterward.
* Changing the status of this option has an immediate effect (no game restart is required).
- Updated DirectX 9 (DX8 to DX9 converter) to improve reliability and stability.
- Fixed a bug in ver. 160018's feature (a message about game rules at the start of the game) where non-host player's message was displayed if they were hosting a game, typed rules and then left to join a different game room. Thanks for the report to player "IndieRock00".
- Improved the workaround from ver. 160018 which aims to fix the issue of citizens leaving construction site "holes" when using the "Smart Building Hotkey Memory" function.

If you have got UP1.5.5+, you can update by clicking: empireearth2://FunctionMinorVersionInstall
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Re: EE2, EE2X - Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.6 (2014+)

Post by Nader »

i have windows 10 and no any ee patches woeking even 1.6 installed successfully but when open it its delicately shut down
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Re: EE2, EE2X - Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.6 (2014+)

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

Nader wrote: 29 Dec 2024, 21:08 i have windows 10 and no any ee patches woeking even 1.6 installed successfully but when open it its delicately shut down
Please click on this link: empireearth2://GenerateMD5Checksums-Rep ... er-EndNick

It will ask you to open the Launcher and generate MD5 checksum of files. After it's done, a website with the Installation Validation report will open. Please copy the link from that website and paste in this topic.
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Re: EE2, EE2X - Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.6 (2014+)

Post by Nader »

the link is not open and when i disconnect the internet the game lunch successful but gave me message the game will shout down with 60 seconds
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Re: EE2, EE2X - Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.6 (2014+)

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

So the Launcher is crashing for you? Do you have any App Crash report in the Windows Event Viewer? It should show something about EE2.exe or EE2X.exe.

Also, what language version of Windows do you use? Can you test if it works when you change system language to English?
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Re: EE2, EE2X - Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.6 (2014+)

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

Minor update 160021 has been released!

Update Type: Monthly, Feature Update. Changes:

- NEW CAMPAIGN: Loew's Pacific Campaign for Empire Earth II: The Art of Supremacy.
* A remake of the Empire Earth: The Art of Conquest Pacific campaign.
* The first three missions are now integrated into the EE2: AOS Single Player -> Play Campaign menu.
* Features stunning new maps, additional units, new sounds & music, and impressive in-game effects.
* Read more details on:
- NEW FEATURE: Players Ping & Observer Status in Multiplayer Games:
* The CTRL+ALT+F (FPS toggle) hotkey now also displays the list of players in the game and their pings.
* It's possible to view the last ping update time, detect if it's you or the other players increasing the command lag, or determine if it's you or the host who lost Internet connection.
* This information is synchronized from the host to other players using the UP1.6 Launcher's KeepAlive thread.
* Crash-safe method: EE2 (Game_Helper.dll) -> SharedMemory -> Host's UP1.6 Launcher -> KeepAlive Script & Database -> Client's UP1.6 Launcher -> SharedMemory -> EE2 (Game_Helper.dll).
* Ping calculations and status text generation are handled in a separate thread (on a different CPU core) to ensure no performance impact on the game process.
* More detailed information at:
- NEW FEATURE: Unique Ping Reduction System:
* It can realistically reduce the command lag in multiplayer games by up to 66%!
* The procedure of this feature is very complicated. Unofficial Patch 1.6 sends telemetric data with pings, pings history and other details required for the Players Ping & Observer Status feature to work. In response back, the host player receives the unique Ping Reduction formula and values adjusted especially for your game. This is a live service that is improved over time by Dr.MonaLisa by (endless) tests and observed patterns.
* Read detailed information & watch before/after videos on:
- Improved "Observers Always Ready" Feature:
* Fixed an issue where a player's status could automatically change to "Ready" a few seconds after switching from Observer to Human player.
* Fixed an issue where Observers' status was changed to "Ready" every time any other player changed their status. This could make it hard for Observers to change their status back to Human player. From now on, Observers always have ~5 seconds before their status changes back to "Ready".
- Updated the Boost library to ver. 1.87.0 (used by UP1.6 Launcher and DLLs) in order to improve security and reliability.
- Updated DirectX 9 (DX8 to DX9 converter) to improve reliability and stability.

If you have got UP1.5.5+, you can update by clicking: empireearth2://FunctionMinorVersionInstall
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Ministry of Game Affairs
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Re: EE2, EE2X - Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.6 (2014+)

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

Minor update 160022 has been released!

Update Type: Hotfix Update. Changes:
- Fixed an Unhandled Exception game crash on EE2: AOS when opening the new Loew's Pacific campaign on non-Enhanced version of UP1.6.

If you have got UP1.5.5+, you can update by clicking: empireearth2://FunctionMinorVersionInstall
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Ministry of Game Affairs
Department of Control and Complains
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