The "Gov. Act IV: SGSRR - Scout Glitch & Scout Rush Regulation" Poll has been closed on 24.11.2024, 15:33 CET.
Amending Acts are law accepted in accordance with the RULES of the Polls
The "Gov. Act IV: SGSRR - Scout Glitch & Scout Rush Regulation" Poll has been closed on 24.11.2024, 15:33 CET with score:
In accordance with the RULES of the Polls, the Act has been accepted with score: 15[Positive votes], 2[Negative votes] - 88% of [Positive votes]
The "Gov. Act IV: SGSRR - Scout Glitch & Scout Rush Regulation" Poll has been closed on 24.11.2024, 15:33 CET with score:
In accordance with the RULES of the Polls, the Act has been accepted with score: 15[Positive votes], 2[Negative votes] - 88% of [Positive votes]

IV Scout Glitch & Scout Rush Regulation
§ 4.1 Scope and Definitions
The "Scout Glitch," "Scout Rush," and "Scouts Rush" actions are regulated by this Act, applying only to public multiplayer games.
- a) A "public multiplayer game" is defined as a non-password-protected game accessible to players globally. The Ministry of Game Affairs does not intervene in games between family members or close friends unless they specifically request adherence to these regulations.
- b) Scout Glitch: Also known as Scout Trick. A behavior where players intentionally or unintentionally move scouts or the other land units onto other players' construction sites to obstruct or delay building construction. In the Unofficial Patch, scouts do not block new construction placements and automatically move away from newly placed construction sites, so their presence anywhere on the map is generally permitted. However, intentionally moving a scout (or the other unit) back onto a construction site, or positioning it in areas where an opponent is likely to place a building (e.g., territory borders for City Centers), to obstruct or delay construction start, is still treated as a Scout Glitch and may be restricted according to game settings.
- c) Rush: An action where players attack others within the first minutes of the game. The timing for a "rush" depends on the game’s pace, defined in this Act as follows: 7 minutes for fast-paced and medium paced games, 10 minutes and 30 seconds for slow-paced games.
- d) Scout Rush: A scenario where a player attacks another player using their initial scout, during the time range defined for Rush in §4.1(c).
- e) Scouts Rush: An attack involving multiple scouts or multiple players' scouts attacking the same player, either simultaneously or with a short delay between attacks. It uses the time range defined for Rush in §4.1(c).
- f) "Scout Rush" and "Scouts Rush" refer to distinct actions. The "s" at the end of "Scouts" denotes a separate category within this Act.
- g) A "yes_rules" game is one where the Host player does not specify rules before starting the game, or types "yes rules" or "yes_rules" (case insensitive text) in the game room chat before the game begins.
- h) A "no_rules" game is one where the Host player types "no rules" or "no_rules" (case insensitive text) in the game room chat before the game begins.
The initial Host player of a public multiplayer game determines whether the Scout Glitch or Scout Rush is allowed.
- a) Scout Glitch Rules: Actions to decide the Scout Glitch rules are outlined in §4.3.
- b) Scouts Rush Rule: Actions to decide the Scouts Rush rule are outlined in §4.4.
- c) Scout Rush Allowance: Conditions under which Scout Rush is allowed are outlined in §4.5.
- d) Frontiersman (American Unique Unit in epochs 1-5) is excluded from the Scouts Rush (§4.4) and Scout Rush (§4.5) rules and can be used to Rush players with no restrictions.
- e) The strategy is no longer classified as a Scouts Rush (§4.4) or Scout Rush (§4.5) if the scout or scouts are used in combination with at least three other produced land units with the attack ability (excluding Citizens).
- f) The messages displayed at game start as specified in §4.3(a) and §4.4(a) can be reviewed by pressing the "H" hotkey to open chat history. Remapping hotkeys does not exempt players from this requirement.
- g) Only the messages specified in §4.3(a) and §4.4(a) serve as evidence of Scout Glitch or Scout/Scouts Rush permissions. Screenshots of the game setup screen taken before the game started are not considered valid evidence.
The Scout Glitch (defined in §4.1(b)) is prohibited only if the Host player selects an option with a "no Scout" suffix in the "Starting Forces" -> "Basic" -> "Citizens" dropdown menu. In all other cases, the Scout Glitch is permitted.
- a) The Unofficial Patch displays a message in the game chat at the start indicating whether the Scout Glitch is "forbidden/illegal" or "allowed/legal."
- b) If the Scout Glitch is prohibited (so the initial scout is not present in the game), players are also forbidden from using newly produced scouts or different land units for Scout Glitch attacks.
The Scouts Rush (defined in §4.1(e)) is only allowed if the Host player types "no rules" or "no_rules" (case insensitive text) in the chat before the game begins, or if the hosted game title contains the "no rules" (case insensitive) text.
- a) At game start, the Unofficial Patch displays a message in the chat confirming if "yes_rules" or "no_rules" were specified. This also triggers an audio taunt that either reads "no rules" or lists the general rules.
- b) If neither "yes_rules" nor "no_rules" is typed before the game starts, the game defaults to "yes_rules," but no message is displayed at game start to avoid confusing players in non-public multiplayer games.
The Scout Rush (defined in §4.1(d)) rules are inherited by the Scout Glitch rules outlined in §4.3, and also depend on the presence of the initial scout in the game.
- a) If the Scout Glitch is permitted by the Host player, a Scout Rush (as defined in §4.1(d)) is allowed, even in "yes_rules" games (§4.1(g)).
- b) If the Scout Glitch is prohibited and the game is "yes_rules" (§4.1(g)), players are not permitted to perform a Scout Rush (as defined in §4.1(d)) with newly produced scouts, even if only one scout is used.
- c) If the Scout Glitch is permitted, and the game is "no_rules" (§4.1(h)) players are allowed to perform a Scout Rush (as defined in §4.1(d)) without any restrictions.
- d) The Scout Rush rules defined in this article do not exempt players from respecting the Scouts Rush Rules (defined in §4.4).
Players who witness rule violations may file a report. Information on "How to Write a Report" and "How Your Case Will Be Resolved" is detailed in §2.10 and §2.11 of Gov. Act II: TPA - Team Protection Act.
- a) Any player who participated in or observed the game may submit a report, not just the victim.
- b) In exceptional cases, the Ministry of Game Affairs may initiate an investigation ex-officio and file a report. Such reports may be submitted not only by Ministers but also by Ministry-approved players.
- c) This Act describes all possible rule violations in detail to avoid confusion. Following these guidelines, the Department of Control of the Ministry of Game Affairs can issue penalties to speed up the process. If a player disagrees with a decision from the Department of Control, they can appeal to the Department of Justice for a full review. The case might be forwarded to the Department of Justice to handle the case from the beginning, without involving the Department of Control. The Department of Justice has the highest decision priority, and its decisions are final.
This Act takes effect upon its publication and remains in force until repealed by another Act or through a subsequent vote. The Act has been publicated on 25.11.2024, 15:33 CET.
- a) The Act must be accepted following guidelines defined in RULES of the Polls.
- b) Only games occurring after the publication of this Act are subject to its regulations. Games played prior to this Act's publication cannot be reported under its provisions.
- c) The Ministry of Game Affairs might write the simplified Act interpretations as needed.

The Act has been prepared by the Department of Control of the Ministry of Game Affairs (High Representative Dr.MonaLisa)
The Act has been approved by the Department of Justice of the Ministry of Game Affairs (Minister Matty)