You have three possible donation options:
- Paypal (including Visa / Mastercard options)
- Patreon (you can make a one-time donation and simply cancel the membership)
- Cryptocurrency Donation.
These options allow international donations. Even if the two first options are blocked by your country, you still have a possibility to make a crypto donation. donations are optional. It's not a financial institution to support dozens of payment methods (such as Wechat), because these money would be useless as they cannot be spent for covering the server and other costs. There are requests like yours frequently asked on the Support Chat and they include many different countries. Many players think that the payment methods used by their countries are the most important and should be added, while in reality it would be an extra work for possibly 1-time ever donation received this way.
There were three players asking to add the Cryptocurrency donation. Even though I was negative about this idea, I finally spent time to add it. It ended up, that only one (different) player made the cryptocurrency donation during 1 year when this option was added, and the amount of it was not even unlocking the Enhanced Features.
If you really care to donate (possibly to get access to Enhanced Features, because such problems were never reported before they were added), then maybe it's good to ask friends who live in different countries to help you with it. You could always send them funds using Wechat, and they would make a donation for you using the supported methods. They can always add the different donation mail in the "message" field, so that I would overwrite it in the database.
By the way, if there are more players who request the Wechat donation option, I might get convinced to it, however I would need to see more players requesting it in this topic. I want to avoid the situation where another method is added just for 1-2 players.