Reporting player TheKnight for disrespectful behavior towards the community

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Reporting player TheKnight for disrespectful behavior towards the community

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

The timeline:

03 January 2023, 15:22: Player Gnooty mentions TheKnight for recently logging-in to the Multiplayer Lobby (even though he claimed in EE2 groups that he is "banned"):
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03 January 2023, 17:35: As the answer, player TheKnight accuses players Kiffke and Gnooty of point-cheating / collecting points by playing against so called "noobs".
He attacked player Kiffke who did not post a single negative thing towards him, just:
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With nonsense like:
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03 January 2023, 17:40: To prove that he is wrong, Dr.MonaLisa posts links and screenshots of the Leaderboards History, that prove that his accusations are false: ... 2022-01-03

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03 January 2023, 18:26: Even thought the evidence that proves that there is no noobashing from these players was posted (and even if there was it wouldn't be something illegal), the Knight continues with lies and false accusations, totally ignoring the proof posted:
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03 January 2023, 19:20: In order to de-escalate the conflict, player Matty schedules a 1v1 game which is NOT REFUSED by any side of the conflict:

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The next day this event is officially scheduled on the EE2News Twitter:

04 January 2023, 19:20: Player TheKnight insults player Gnooty with disgusting messages about "jerking off". These messages confirm that he is aware of the upcoming 1v1 game. At the same time he repeats the lie which was proven to be false the previous day:

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When Dr.MonaLisa once again answers that his accusations are lies, he puts messages in "quotes", which Dr.MonaLisa never wrote:

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04 to 05 January 2023: Players are discussing about the upcoming 1v1 game, many of them change their schedule in order to be able to watch the game. There is also a live-stream planned on Dr.MonaLisa's YouTube channel.

06 January 2023, 20:45: Player Gnooty is waiting in the Multiplayer Lobby for TheKnight to join. There are also many other users waiting for him, but he never appears:
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Once again player TheKnight has revealed his toxic behavior and was disrespectful towards dozens of players who were waiting for the 1v1 match. He was aware of the 1v1 game, and he agreed to it (at least that's how I interpretate his insults towards Gnooty about playing with 1 hand). Refusing to play the game would be more respectful than making players wait for him.

The biggest issue however is, that TheKnight is continuously accusing players of things they don't do. He accused Kiffke and Gnooty about collecting points from noobs. He lied with the false "quotes" of Dr.MonaLisa's messages which never had the place.

I think this behavior deserves our response, and to mute him (or even just kick out) from our Discord, so such situations can not repeat in the future.
Best regards,
Ministry of Game Affairs
Department of Control and Complains
These users thanked the author Dr.MonaLisa for the post (total 2):
Googol, Kiffke

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