Star System is only one way if Academy member want to join ~eW`
On start every ~eWA` member has no stars:

Then he is collecting stars, for example:

If he will collect all 15 stars, then he will be informated, that he can join ~eW`:

Who can give star?
Star can give you every ~eW`~>Teacher which considers, that ~eWA`'s did something good, or played very good game / learned very fast.
In every Academy member forum is topic named: Star System - It's here teachers write why gave star, then I go change "black" star picture on "gold" star picture.
I hope it will works very well!
Good luck for every ~eWA` member!
Okay. Today enters into force new act.
Everyone member can receive 10 stars for any games (good of course), on any setts. Can be all 10 stars for 5-5 games, can be all 10 stars for bab war games.
Problem starting when player has already 10 stars. Then starting tests.
Test = Academy member playing vs one of ~eW` members. (Can select). Clan Leader or Academy Patron and one different person from committee (Can be everyone from ~eW` clan), or more members observe games, and after game decise if player can got star for this setts, or not.
Last 5 stars are named: Super Stars.

Academy's member can start tests when he want. He mustn't have collected 10 yellow stars already. Only things needed:
- Committee (Clan leader or Academy's Patron + one of ~eW` members)
- Enemy (One of ~eW` members [if long time ~eW` inactive, then can be player from ~eWA`])
One Super Star = one from following games:

IMPORTANT: Academy members SHOULD but doesn't need to win games to receive Super Star.
Committee just all time observe ~eWA` player, and see his strategy, thinking.
If new academy member has no stars on his account, but want do test - He can. He can also got 5 Super Stars without normal stars, but then to join ~eW` he need 10 stars more anyway.
If player has all stars:

Then can join ~eW` clan without any Polls in ~eW` only subforum. 5 tests should show that he is enought good to join.
Player can retry tests all time he wants if previous time committee decided to no give star for his game.
I hope it will help to show how good player is, and test him before he be final member of easyWin clan.