
Recruitment. If you want to join ~eW` or ~eWA` this is the place, where you can make an application.
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Re: MistressBlack

Post by lukwerty »

what do you mean? i still don't know.. could you be clearer? i think it is a extremely relevant matter..
and if you want to mean that when you were checking it was always 3 votes, you're right.. it was 3 votes and not 5 votes.. and if my memory serves me correctly it must be 5 votes.. doesn't it?

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Re: MistressBlack

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

I don't think so...

Rules of Polls
Since 18.09.2010 in every new poll will be new option:
#I don't know him, and I won't check how he plays.

This vote = 0
If you select this option I know that you voted, but you have no opinion.
It's important to vote because:

To accept poll necessity is:
- Minimum 10 votes of the poll.
Every decision should be resolved in:
- Maximum 7 days since the establishment poll.

To adopt member to Academy or Main Clan:
- More than 50% of votes from:
#In ~eW`~>Clan
#In ~eWA`~>Academy

*Main clan:
- More than 50% of positive votes from:
#In ~eW`~>Clan
#In ~eWA`~>Academy

Positive votes:
#In ~eW`~>Clan
#In ~eWA`~>Academy

Neutral votes:
#I don't know him, and I wont check how he plays.

Negative votes:
#I do not want him in clan or academy

I hope it will help with presence in polls by users without sentence.

Best regards,
Ministry of Game Affairs
Department of Control and Complains
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Re: MistressBlack

Post by lukwerty »

well leader i'll be brief and respect your authority but why don't you think so? i still don't see any plausible permission to let them join us and i think that 3 votes is insufficient to accept anyone in our clan... this is totally out of context..impracticable inadmissible..
anyway you should've at least prolonged time and someone perhaps could vote. for exemple i was going to vote but before i wanted to see them playing thats why i didn't.
btw, 0 vote means that i voted then? but i don't have a defined opinion..am i right? yes its right however facts are contradicting each point raised.. because it is saying here that it counts like a vote and we all know that in fact it doesn't.
please, explain me what you mean. because now im trying to agree with mistress it isn't seeming like a democracy but as an autocracy or oligarchy.. lets execute what is right and fair to everyone and not wrong and unfair. everbody of us joined into clan because we received at least 5 votes and not only 3.

Ad nauseam! ;/
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Re: MistressBlack

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

I'm so sorry, but I'm talking for year, that if you don't know player, then you use last option in poll. Then if you check how he plays you can change vote. It's easy to cancell and vote again.
I know that 3 votes is not much, but look at it from other side. Do you think players which did application want wait that long time? We need to think about them too.
After 2 days most of players forgot about poll. I bet even in 4 weeks would be same score as now.
Best regards,
Ministry of Game Affairs
Department of Control and Complains
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Re: MistressBlack

Post by lukwerty »

I agree with you mona but I'm terribly sorry for saying that i wasn't here in the 1 semester and i didn't read a large number of posts.
what's last option in poll? oh no..lol i prefer do not vote then.. it's easier a lot.. and anyway i'll vote later, won't i? ( i mean when i check how the guy plays).
im happy that you know 3 votes aren't many, but i have to stress that it is insufficient, desproporcional, unsatisfying.. and it isn't only "not much", its REALLY "not much"..
well, of course they don't want to wait( no one wants..if someone, tell me who) however we must wait for anything in life.. traffic of cars.. queues.. looking for job.. and a lots of things.. a day someone said that: "he that can have patient can have what he will" therefore we can conclude that patient is certainly a virtue.. btw, if they are really interested, they probably will wait. no one can denies it.
yes.. maybe most of players forgot it in 2 days( it would be better 5 days loll), but when it is a serious subject i never ignore or forget lol, only if i want xD. you bet right! and if it needs 5 months or 1 year, lets wait patiently 5 months and 1 year!

By the way, I know you have a plenty of works to do and that you're always busy(it's actually difficult satisfy everyone, no doubt) but i hope that next time you can listen to me and maybe others.. a great leader is who listens suggestions his subordinates. who doesn't listen, is a hitler!

anyway sorry for being a bad lawyer now. Nevertheless someone told me certain day that i was born to defend the justice and solely The Justice, i believed... Amen.
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