There are already a few Europe maps installed with EE2 patch 1.5, so why did I make a new one? In my opinion, some of them are not realistic enough and some have some flaws. However, the main reason is an absence of a well-modelled Europe map for EE2 AOS.
As some of you already know, EE2 and AOS maps are not always compatible with each other. This is why I used Loewenherz's Map Editor.
Here is a summary of the details I was trying to obtain in the last 4 weeks:
True animal distribution and use of Loew's Ambient Pack assets (including limited resources amounts).
Avoiding territories too small to claim.
🏝 Making sure islands are claimable with City Centers for better gameplay.
⏯ True starting locations for 10 civilizations and 5 native tribes (AOS).
*** FIX UPDATE *** I have fixed some issues we've encountered when testing this map:
Big ships (like aircraft carriers) couldn't pass near Denmark, the English Channel, the Sea of Marmara and Gibraltar. Those have been fixed while others (minor passageways) stayed the same for a strategic challenge and interesting gameplay.
An oil derrick couldn't be built in Poland due to uneven terrain - fixed.
Fish were added to the Baltic Sea, where they were missing and whales were replaced to have one type which has an animation.
Enjoy my map and please test it and provide me with feedback here. I wonder what you think of limited resources - I was thinking about tweaking the amounts.
Here are some screenshots from this tedious yet satisfying process and the map itself for download:
Pay attention to the corrections I made to the map and download the updated version. Please let me know of any issues you encounter so I will fix them as soon as possible.
This is the best map ever made for Empire Earth 2 & Empire Earth 2: The Art of Supremacy. I probably won't be able to play other maps for CB games in the future!
Thank you for finally making an awesome map for this game. And of course thanks to Loew for making Ambient Packs that made creations of such beautiful maps possible.
I attached some new screenshots of this map:
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Best regards, Dr.MonaLisa Ministry of Game Affairs
Department of Control and Complains
These users thanked the author Dr.MonaLisa for the post:
I agree with Mona. It is certainly the best custom map I've ever played in this game. The attention to detail makes it really fun for a geography nerd like me. When city-building, it is especially fun to rename the cities and territories to their actual real-life locations. Are you thinking of doing more maps like this in the future? Not necessarily an entire continent, but maybe limited to specific regions? I would be happy just seeing a Nordic countries map (as northern Fennoscandia was cut out here, and there isn't much space to build on due to terrain).
These users thanked the author KennetRP for the post:
Thank you very much Kennet and Mona! This is very flattering, you're too kind. I'm glad you appreciate geographies like me and the actual political territories. Claiming them and naming them correctly was my intention so it's fun for me to see others doing the same. I'm not sure I will create another map in the near future as this was very time-consuming work and I'm quite a busy person. It was interesting learning some details in the process