I noticed that the Force Shields of HERC Hades "Anti-Missile System" and HERC Hera "Cast Shield" are broken on EE2: AOS.
Here are examples:
Normal EE2 (looks good): EE2: AOS (looks bad): It is controlled by: EE2X_db.zip\EE2X_db\Visuals\effects_visual.ddf
The "HERC_AntiMissileSystem" and "HERC_Shield" doesn't differ in this file (it's the same on EE2, and the same on AOS).
I edited it to the following:
Code: Select all
//Force field
VisualForceFieldDC HERC_AntiMissileSystem
//Shield born
fadeInSecond = 0.5
fadeInScale = true
fadeInTransparency = true
//Shield death
fadeOutSecond = 6
fadeOutScale = true
fadeOutTransparency = true
shieldNameVHigh = fx_anti_missile_aos15.nif
shieldNameHigh = fx_anti_missile_aos15.nif
shieldNameMedium = fx_anti_missile_aos15.nif
shieldNameLow = fx_anti_missile_aos15.nif
impactNameVHigh = fx_anti_missile_splash_aos15.nif
impactNameHigh = fx_anti_missile_splash_aos15.nif
impactNameMedium = fx_anti_missile_splash_aos15.nif
impactNameLow = fx_anti_missile_splash_aos15.nif
// radius in world space
// @NOTE - should match radius of shield
// in associated area effect.
shieldRadius = 4
msgStartEffect = BeginForceField
msgStopEffect = EndForceField
msgImpact = HitForceField
VisualForceFieldDC HERC_Shield
//Shield born
fadeInSecond = 0.5
fadeInScale = true
fadeInTransparency = true
//Shield death
fadeOutSecond = 6
fadeOutScale = true
fadeOutTransparency = true
shieldNameVHigh = fx_anti_missile.nif
shieldNameHigh = fx_anti_missile.nif
shieldNameMedium = fx_anti_missile.nif
shieldNameLow = fx_anti_missile.nif
impactNameVHigh = fx_anti_missile_splash.nif
impactNameHigh = fx_anti_missile_splash.nif
impactNameMedium = fx_anti_missile_splash.nif
impactNameLow = fx_anti_missile_splash.nif
// radius in world space
shieldRadius = 2
msgStartEffect = BeginForceField
msgStopEffect = EndForceField
msgImpact = HitForceField
AOS seems to read the new file then. I tried to change some colors by editing .nif, but nothing helped to resolve this issue.
I believe it's rather a problem in .tga textures. I remember Loew used to fix tress for AOS in some way. It's possible that .tga textures need to be edited for AOS, to remove some incompatibility.
I tested and this bug is present on the normal EE2: AOS in ver. 1.0, so it's not related to any of UP1.5 updates.
Does anyone know what can be the problem, and can try to fix it?