How to make application?

Recruitment. If you want to join ~eW` or ~eWA` this is the place, where you can make an application.
Rules / About ~eW` & ~eWA` / Warnings System / Amending Acts / Forum construction / ~eWA`~>Education System / How to make application?
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How to make application?

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

If you wanna join to ~eW` Clan - Make new topic here:
Topic name: Your Empire Earth II nick without ~eW` tag.
Then copy and answer on these questions:

In which year were you born?
Your Answer

Where are you from?
Your Answer

How long have you played Empire Earth II?
Your Answer

What names do you go by on Empire Earth II?
Your Answer

Why do you want to join us?
Your Answer

How can you help us to be a good clan?
Your Answer

In what other clans have you been in?
Your Answer

How did you find the ~eW`~>FORUM?
Your Answer


Then click option Send, we will make poll in section which see only ~eW` members.
When all members vote, we will inform you of the results in your application topic.
If existing members decide that you aren't enough good to the main clan - you will go to the ~eW`~>Academy


Please do not use ~eW`~>Application version: 1.4 on other clan's forums. ~eW`~>Application has been wrote by me, and has copyrights. If any new/old clan copy ~eW`~>Application's questions without any changes - we will claim to Ministry of Justice and Foreign Office in Empire Earth II - Government. Please write your own applications topic, and stop copying someone's work. If we see that any new forum copy our work, applications, rules, information topics it's possible that we use hacking to delete our work from opponent's forum.

New Rules of Polls
Topic from:
Acctualy option in polls on new members was:
#In ~eW`~>Clan
#In ~eWA`~>Academy
#I do not want him in clan or academy

Since 18.09.2010 in every new poll will be new option:
#I don't know him, and I wont check how he plays.

This vote = 0
If you select this option I know that you voted, but you have no opinion.
It's important to vote because:

To accept poll necessity is:
- Minimum 10 votes of the poll.

Every decision should be resolved in:
- Maximum 7 days since the establishment poll.

To adopt member to Academy or Main Clan:
- More than 50% of votes from:
#In ~eW`~>Clan
#In ~eWA`~>Academy

*Main clan:
- More than 50% of positive votes from:
#In ~eW`~>Clan
#In ~eWA`~>Academy

Positive votes:
#In ~eW`~>Clan
#In ~eWA`~>Academy

Neutral votes:
#I don't know him, and I wont check how he plays.

Negative votes:
#I do not want him in clan or academy

I hope it will help with presence in polls by users without sentence.

I showed topic here to let you know, the criteria for getting ~eW` or ~eWA` clan.
Best regards,
Ministry of Game Affairs
Department of Control and Complains


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