~eWA`~>Education System

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~eWA`~>Education System

Post by Dr.MonaLisa »

~eWA`~>Academy – Official Education System

1. Rules and prohibitions
2. Teachers and teacher’s skills
3. Evaluation
4. Lessons
*Fast pace:
• Epochs 5-5
• Epochs 6-6
• Epochs 9-9
• Epochs 12-12
*Medium pace:
• Bab War
• Turk War
• R-r – Osg setts
5. Summary

Ad. 1 - Rules and prohibitions

Teacher’s can’t:
- Show students Glitch and game’s bugs.
- Teaching things which are not authorized.

Teacher’s can:
- Carry out extra-curricular classes
- Show students scout Glitch

Students must:
- Execute commands from teacher
- Apply with respect to teacher
- Attend classes

Students can’t:
- Complain about Education system (Education system was approved by three clan’s Leaders)
- Avoid lesson after a predetermined time

Everybody must:
- Know rules from http://forum.ee2.eu/wanna-to-join-ew-f3/rules-about-ew-ewa-t24.htm

Ad. 2 - Teachers and teacher’s skills

Official teachers have specific skills
Fast pace lessons:
Epochs 5-5
Epochs 6-6
Epochs 9-9
Epochs 12-12

Medium pace lessons:
Bab war
Turk War

Note: Since 03.06.2011 we haven't specific teachers. Every ~eW` member is teacher of ~eWA` members. Everyone ~eW` member can give stars for ~eWA` pupils.
Academy's members should ask about lessons in ~eWA`~>EDUCATION - Talking: http://forum.ee2.eu/t623-ewaeducation-talking
Academy Patron should always consider ~eWA's` application and allocate ~eW`~>Teacher who should teach ~eWA` member.
~eWA` members should ask about lessons. It's theirs business if they want to learn or not.

( ) = auxiliary teachers.

Teachers should perform the duties in specified setts.
Teachers can teaching others setts if aren’t “Specific Teachers”, only if lessons are extra-curricular.

Ad. 3 - Evaluation
After every lesson – teacher should test student’s skill, and things which he learned. After test teacher must a grade pupil.
To evaluation teacher must use grading scale:
1 - Noob, playing bad at this setts
2 - Little better
3 - copes with this setts, but isn't everygame winner.
4 - Good, but this is not all what he can do
5 - verry good!
6 - Preatty good, the best, on teacher level.
Then teacher should post his evaluation in set topic on forum www.forum.ee2.eu in Academy member’s sections.

Ad. 4 – Lessons

Lesson 1: Start in 6 city center boom.
Lesson 2: Crowns and bonus from crowns.
Lesson 3: Start in 5-5 rush
Lesson 4: How to building faster? – Learning how to use hotkeys: “M”, “B”, “,”, and building with TAB key
Lesson 5: How to use scout glitch on enemy?
Lesson 6: Why it’s important to have deff in city?
Lesson 7: How to good use rams?
Lesson 8: What it is, and how to do catapults spam (cat spam)
Lesson 9: Why Roma, no different civilization?
Lesson 10: 5-5 with Greece civilization.
Lesson 11: 5-5 with Turk civilization cats spam.
Lesson 12: 3 city center mini boom with crowns
Lesson 13: Where build wall or palisade?
Lesson 14: How to make Horse Rush
Lesson 15: What you should to do in 2v2 games.
Lesson 16: What you should to do in 3v3 games.
Lesson 17: Training 1v1 against teacher.
Lesson 18: Epochs 5-5 in no cease-fire game.
Lesson 19: Epochs 5-5 in no cease-fire game training with teacher
Lesson 20: Rush - base
Lesson 21: Rush training with game 1v1 Against teacher.

Lesson 1: 6-6 training with British civilization.
Lesson 2: 6-6 training with Inka civilization.
Lesson 3: 6-6 training with China civilization.
Lesson 4: 6-6 training with Japan’s spies.
Lesson 5: 6-6 training with Mayan civilization.
Lesson 6: How to use military leader in epochs 6-10?
Lesson 7:

Lesson 1: Why you should play 9-9 with Roma civilization?
Lesson 2: Epochs 9-9 and resources which you need.
Lesson 3: How to do bombard spam.
Lesson 4: 9-9 with light artillery help.
Lesson 5: Why you shouldn’t use only heavy infantry?
Lesson 6: How to spies enemy in no rules game?
Lesson 7: Why do you need outpost in every city?
Lesson 8: Deff spam training
Lesson 9: How to use military Leader on enemy.

Lesson 1: Epochs 12-12 with Japan’s planes.
Lesson 2: How to use spies in high epochs.
Lesson 3: How use nuke planes?
Lesson 4: How should looks army before attack?
Lesson 5: Anti-planes lesson.
Lesson 6: New Deff style in 12-12.
Lesson 7: How to confuse the enemy?
Lesson 8: What it is coordinated attack (Hotkey: ' )

Bab war
Lesson 1: Bab war – start (9 wood, 1 tin)
Lesson 2: How not to get killed?
Lesson 3: Why you should “micro?”
Lesson 4: How got military crown before enemy?
Lesson 5:

Turk war
Lesson 1: Turk war start
Lesson 2: How to good move Spahi?
Lesson 3: How kill enemy?
Lesson 4: Turk war training with teacher in 1v1 game.

Lesson 1: What you should to do in epochs 1+
Lesson 2: What you should to do in epochs 2+
Lesson 3: What you should to do in epochs 4+
Lesson 4: What you should to do in epochs 6+
Lesson 5: What you should to do in epochs 7+
Lesson 6: What you should to do in epochs 11+
Lesson 7: What you should to do in epochs 13+
Lesson 8: Different civilization’s unit.
Lesson 9: How ram and defend against ram?
Lesson 10: How not to get poison cits.
Lesson 11:

Ad. 5 – Summary
Teacher should show “How to play” in “coop” team, as well as conduct exercises to student. Student should cooperate with teacher if asked to do task. Teacher should write report at least every three lessons, and expose scores after everyone lesson.
If the teacher does not implement lessons and try to cheat the system - can be kicked from teacher job. In exceptional cases teacher can give to student penalty point. 3 penalty points = Kick from academy. Everyone point will be thoroughly tested by ~eW` Clan’s Leaders and Academy patron. Academy Patron ultimately decide.
If student got ten unsatisfactory grades, will have to write a exam from last lessons. If the exam will receive poor scores – student will be kicked from eWA – Academy.
If student will not be the lesson longer than month with no reason his absence - will be expelled from Academy.
Education System can be use only by ~eW` and ~eWA` members.

Clan’s leaders reserve the right to change Education System.
Education System is valid since: 01.07.2010 / 10:00 Central Europe Time Zone
Last acctualization: 12.02.2011 / 05:24 Central Europe Time Zone

Developed by: Leader

Big Thanks for Timo (Academy Patron) for organize lessons and selected teachers for every member
Best regards,
Ministry of Game Affairs
Department of Control and Complains

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Re: ~eWA`~>Education System

Post by Nightstand »

But thanks for that^^

Posts from this topic has been moved to ~eWA`~>EDUCATION - Talking, here: http://forum.ee2.eu/t623-ewaeducation-talking
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